Detoxification and dampness The benefits of this tree in Japan 足贴 is very popular This 足贴 detoxifies and dehumidifies. The problem that most women have is that the cold and humidity are heavy, and the cold and humidity are very bad for girls. Body cold, acne, dull complexion, puffiness... All are caused by humidity and cold. The blessing of the tree 足贴 comes in several colors. Each color has a different effect, but each has bamboo leaves in it. Of course this is just a 足贴, it can't cure anything, but it can slowly improve. ————————————————————— 🌟Blue-white rose Beauty Relieve fatigue and improve skin condition during menstrual period It has a nice rose scent. It smells really good, I recommend it 🌟 Pink - Titanium Beauty, Antioxidant The pink one is different from the others in that this sticker is black and is a titanium sticker for beauty skin, so the stickiness of this sticker is not as good as others. 🌟Purple-Lavender Lavender is sure to help and improve sleep I didn't really like the smell of lavender, it felt very strong. But this lavender smell is not heavy, very comfortable fragrance. 🌟 Green - wormwood Wormwood is specially used for detoxification and moisture removal. This is the main detoxification. The wormwood smell is not very strong. 🌟Orange-grapefruit Slimming and losing weight, boosting metabolism. It smells good, the taste of grapefruit. 🌟 Yellow - Ginger Dispel the cold and warm the palace, warm feet after using up Suitable for girls with cold feet 🌟Red - Tang Xinzi Promote blood circulation, improve fear of cold and speed up metabolism. ————————————————————— Inside each package is a one-time amount, two stickers, two 足贴. All are individually packaged, very clean and hygienic. Put it on your feet before going to bed, and put the 足贴 on the sticker with the words on it, and the side without words on the skin. Take it off the next day when you wake up, it will leave some sticky things, just wash it off or wipe it off with a wet tissue. Helps you to condition your body while you sleep. Two or three times a week is fine. Not recommended to use during menstruation This 足贴 can be attached to the shoulders, waist, legs and knees in addition to the soles of the feet.
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yami_featured_image 日本树之惠足贴 | 排毒祛湿 日本这个树之惠足贴很火了 这款足贴是排毒 去湿气的。 大多数女性都有的问题就是寒气和湿气重,寒气和湿气对女生很不好。体寒,长痘痘,脸色暗沉,浮肿……都是因为湿气和寒气导致的。 树之惠足贴有好几种颜色 每个颜色都有不同的功效,但每个里面都有竹树叶的成分。 当然 这只是一个足贴,不能治疗什么,只是能慢慢改善一些。 ———————————————————— 🌟蓝色-白蔷薇 美容 舒缓疲劳,可以改善生理期的肌肤状态 有蔷薇的香味 很好闻。 味道实在是好闻,推荐哦 🌟粉色-钛元素 美容养颜,抗氧化 粉色这款和其他不一样是这款贴纸是黑色的,是美肌钛贴纸,所以这款贴纸的粘性没有其他的好。 🌟紫色-薰衣草 薰衣草肯定就是帮助和改善睡眠啦 我本来不是很喜欢薰衣草的味道,感觉味道很重。但这款薰衣草的味道不会很重,很舒服的香味。 🌟绿色-艾草 艾草专门用来排毒 去湿气的。 这款主打就是排毒祛湿的。 艾草味不会很重。 🌟橘色-西柚 瘦身减肥,促进新陈代谢。 味道很好闻,西柚的味道。 🌟黄色-生姜 驱寒暖宫,用完脚暖暖的 适合脚会冷的女生 🌟红色-唐辛子 促进血液循环,改善怕冷畏寒 加快新陈代谢。 ———————————————————— 每个包装里面是一次的量,两张贴纸,两个足贴。都是分开的单独包装,很干净卫生。 睡觉前贴在脚上,把足贴有字的一面贴在贴纸上,没字的一面贴着皮肤。第二天睡醒就取掉,会留下一些粘粘的东西,去洗掉或者拿湿纸巾擦掉就好。在睡觉的时候就帮你调理身体。一周用两三次就好。不建议在经期使用哦 这款足贴除了贴在脚心,还可以贴在肩部,腰部,腿部和膝盖上。