
Eat healthy and beautiful life

The cold winter is approaching, and it is cold. People with cold hands and feet should take supplements. Three inches below a woman's navel is the lifeline, and the most taboo is cold. If you always have cold hands and feet, then you have to take appropriate supplements, but Ejiao cake is your best choice.

Ejiao, called National Treasure, its medicinal and health care value need not be repeated; the donkey-hide gelatin cake made of donkey-hide gelatin, also known as Guyuan paste, can be seen from the name. This solid element, nourishing maintenance effect.

Peach Blossom Ji Ejiao Cake is a healthy snack for urban white-collar workers launched by Shandong East Ejiao Co., Ltd., the largest Ejiao manufacturer in China. Taohuaji donkey-hide gelatin cake has the functions of nourishing yin and nourishing blood, moisturizing dryness, beautifying the face, and enhancing immunity. Since its launch, it has been deeply loved and praised by the masses, and now it has become a well-known health food.

The packaging is beautifully designed, and it also comes in an individual vacuum-preserved packaging for easy portability. Put a few tablets in your pocket as snacks before going out every day, which can not only relieve your cravings and not gain weight, but also maintain health and beauty.

Peach Blossom Ji Ejiao Cake follows the ancient recipe and is refined with modern technology, which is convenient and delicious. Delicious no need to cook! Taohuaji Ejiao Cake is made of high-grade Dong Ejiao, black sesame, Shaoxing wine, walnut kernels, rock sugar, etc. It is rich in protein, various amino acids, trace elements 0 span0, nutritious, convenient and delicious.

By adding raw materials such as walnuts and black sesame seeds, the crispy walnuts and the strong aroma of sesame seeds penetrate into the amber donkey-hide gelatin. Lingering, delicious love can't put it down! Mainly used for nourishing yin and nourishing blood, moisturizing dryness, beauty and beauty, and enhancing immunity.

       If the life Compared to a tree, qi and blood are the roots of the tree, so qi and blood are the foundation of life. The viscera, meridians, etc. of the human body need the supply of qi and blood to maintain their normal functions. If the human body is deficient in qi and blood, it will cause various physical diseases and lead to the decline of the function of the viscera.

       For reference Check this list to see if you have these problems and re-understand your health.

Efficacy of Ejiao Cake and Applicable Population

Ejiao cake for nourishing blood and beauty can be used

Ejiao cake is especially suitable for women to take for a long time. It has a very good cosmetic effect. It can make the hair black, shiny and elastic, reduce facial spots and wrinkles, and its good blood nourishing effect can delay senescence.

Ejiao cake for dysmenorrhea

Women's dysmenorrhea is mostly due to the cold and dampness in the body. Women suffering from dysmenorrhea will not only experience abdominal pain or low back pain during menstruation, but also darker menstrual color and more blood clots. There is a saying in Chinese medicine that blood and wind self-extinguishing, as long as there is enough qi and blood in the body, there is no place for cold and dampness in the body. Eating donkey-hide gelatin cake for many years has a good effect of nourishing blood. It is most suitable for women with irregular menstruation to eat for many years. It is a good product for nourishing blood and qi.

Ejiao cake is suitable for expectant mothers

Ejiao cake is also suitable for expectant mothers during pregnancy, because it has a very good effect of nourishing blood, nourishing kidney, relaxing bowels, and soothing the nerves, and the cooking wine in Ejiao cake has a light taste, so eat a spoonful at a time , will not bring any harm to the body, nor will it harm the baby in the womb. (Note: Pregnancy not yet completed3Don't eat donkey-hide gelatin cakes for one month.3you can eat it after the fetus is stable and formed< /span>)

Ejiao cake is suitable for pregnant women to nourish qi and blood

Pregnant women must replenish the kidney and blood in time. After the qi and blood are replenished, the sweat will disappear naturally. Ejiao cake has a very obvious effect on relieving deficiency and sweating. Some women have been sweating profusely after giving birth. After eating Ejiao cake for two days, sweating has been significantly reduced. After a week, there is no sweating during sleep, and people feel dry and relaxed. Ejiao cake is suitable for gout.

Children eat Ejiao cakes well

It is also good for children to eat donkey-hide gelatin cake, because the effect of nourishing blood is good, which is conducive to the growth and development of children, and can also promote brain development and make children smarter. In addition, it is also effective in improving asthma in children.

Ejiao cake also has a good effect on men. It can improve fatty liver and high blood viscosity. It is also a special medicine for gout; it is also suitable for the elderly to nourish blood and kidney.

So, have you eaten today, who love beauty and health?

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