I was in the group with Amway's anti-hair loss lotion, and I quickly started it when I replenished it. The smell is a bit like toilet water but not so fragrant. It is a relatively cool smell. And it is very durable. It feels like a bottle can be used for a long time. Some short hairs have grown out on the hairline. A product that will definitely repurchase
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在群里被安利的防脱发水,补货的时候赶快下手了,味道有点像花露水但是没有那么香,是比较清凉的味道,洗完头发抹在头皮上很凉爽。而且非常耐用, 感觉一瓶大概可以用很久, 发际线的地方已经有一些短短的头发长出来了。 肯定会回购的产品