OMG adds "rice thin" to it and turns it into a dessert in seconds, it's super delicious! ============= This almond walnut nut drink from Taiwan, I was thinking of buying it for breakfast. Almonds whiten, walnuts nourish the brain, and also contain N kinds of nuts and dietary fibers such as sunflower seeds, sesame, cashews, hazelnuts, etc. It is really super healthy~ You can drink it with some hot water, which is very suitable for lazy people like me who fight in the morning~ ========= It tastes like a thickened version of almond milk. It has a stronger milky fragrance and is very smooth to drink. There are still some almonds in it. full of energy~ ========= After I tried adding rice noodles, my god, the first bite was amazing, just like almond paste! Sweet and blissful! The method is very simple, tear open a pack of nut drinks, then tear a pack of rice thin, and pour them all into a bowl Then add water while stirring Adjust according to taste, add less water if you like sweetness, add more water if you like sweetness Stir it up, and you're done in less than a minute! Instantly transformed into almond paste! Just a bowl of delicious dessert! The almond flavor is also strong~ Bang Bang Bang! !
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yami_featured_image OMG这里面加「米稀」秒变甜品,超好吃! ============== 这个来自台湾的杏仁核桃坚果饮,我是想着当早餐买的。 杏仁美白,核桃补脑,还包含葵花籽,芝麻,腰果,榛果等N种坚果和膳食纤维,真是超健康呢~ 冲点热水就能喝,很适合我这种早上跟打战一样的懒人~ ========== 喝起来就像加浓版的杏仁露一样,奶香更浓,喝起来非常顺滑,里面还有一些杏仁粒,香香的,喝的时候还有点东西嚼嚼,早上喝一杯特别满足,满满能量~ ========== 尝试着加了米稀以后,我的天,第一口就惊艳了,就跟杏仁糊一样!甜滋滋的超幸福! 做法特简单,撕开一包坚果饮,再撕开一包米稀,统统倒进碗里 然后一边加开水一边搅拌 根据口味调整,喜欢甜的就少加水,淡的就多加水 搅搅搅,一分钟不到就搞定啦! 瞬间变身杏仁糊!就是一碗好吃的甜品好吗! 杏仁味也是浓浓的~棒棒棒!!