
[Recommended by Amidas] The magic of the muscle base

Today I will plant a winter skin care product for you: O'erbin Oddskin Repair Serum❗️

I especially like the design of the pump, which is hygienic and less exposed to air.

When it comes to serum, many people will criticize it as a conspiracy theory invented by cosmetic companies to cheat money. At first, I also started this with the idea of giving it a try. After 2 months of trial use, I really feel the skin becomes more hydrated. Not to say how amazing it is. As a basic moisturizing essence after cleansing, it has a particularly strong absorption capacity, and serves as a better bottom layer for subsequent products to help lotion skin care products absorb and penetrate. As for the cell repair mentioned in the introductionblablabla, I have not experienced it yet.

Let's have a look at the texture⬇️

Here I compare a normal toner to it. The texture of Oerbin is relatively thick, with a milky zona pellucida. I really hate the sticky and sticky feeling on my face. I have used many other brands of repairing serums and they will present an embarrassing feeling of stickiness floating on the face and sometimes rubbing the mud. But this one from Oerbin is finished! Complete! Do not! Can! Although it is thicker than ordinary toners, it is absorbed instantly on the face, and there is no sticky feeling at all! After applying lotion or facial oil, it will not rub mud.

A small comparison test is done below👩🏻‍🏫: span>

Wet a cotton pad with regular toner and serum, and apply on skin5minutes, then apply with the same cushion compact.

You can clearly feel that the effect of applying the muscle base liquid is more glossy (really not a lighting effect😂 , both photos were taken at the same location and under the same lighting)

⚠️Usage suggestion: After cleansing the skin, apply two pumps in the palm of the hand and massage on the face until absorbed. Generally, toners are used to wipe with cotton pads, but this one is not recommended for everyone to use cotton pads. A thin cotton pad basically needs four to five pumps, which is very wasteful (unless you are rich🌚🌝). When you apply it by hand, you will feel its strong absorption more clearly.

PS:I have dry skin and not very sensitive. So far it is very calm and comfortable, no irritation. In [Beautiful Saying], I saw that there is no adverse reaction for oily skinned girls to apply this.

BTW: It's on sale now, hurry up🙃

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