Today we don't show the goods, we show our feelings😏 The four years that Yami accompanied me, It was four years of eating, drinking and playing, It was four years of laughter, tears and joy, It was four years of joy, sorrow and suffering. What does Yami bring me? 🤔️ At first it was those nostalgic familiar tastes, Then there is a sense of trust that is safe, secure and reliable, Later, it became a sustenance for refreshing the screen every day. Now I have become a small partner who grows and works hard with me. Why did you choose Ami? Just a great variety of products? snack? makeups? Discount? of course! These are naturally basic needs and elements. Anything else? That must be! Becoming a Yami Fan is not only based on the trust in the product, but also the values, concepts, and even beliefs it conveys to me. It is a belief in restless e-commerce that wants to do something other than reselling snacks. It is a belief that may also help me in life, It is a belief that in addition to feeding me fat, I will also think of ways to lose weight. It's a belief that I hope I can become a better version of myself, It is also a belief that my life seems to be missing something without you. For me, Yami is an acquaintance, a friend, and a special attention from the old king next door (love this analogy 😍) Hiccup, this bowl of chicken soup is really filling☀️ - Tribute to everyone who loves Yami ❤️ PS: It's not a soft wide, it's not an announcement, it's purely personal opinion.
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yami_featured_image 今天我们不晒货,晒晒情怀😏 亚米陪我走过的四年, 是有吃有喝有玩的四年, 是有笑有泪有乐的四年, 是有喜有悲有苦的四年。 亚米带给我什么?🤔️ 最初是那些令人思念的熟悉味道, 然后是安全放心可靠的信任感, 后来变成了每天刷屏的寄托, 现在成了和我共同成长努力的小伙伴。 为什么就选了亚米? 只是丰富多样的产品?零食?美妆?折扣? 那当然!这些自然是基本需求和要素。 还有别的? 那必须!成为亚米粉不光基于对产品的信赖,还有它传递给我的价值,观念,甚至是信仰。 是一种除了倒卖零食还想干点别的的不安分的电商的信仰, 是一种在生活上或许也可以帮我一把的信仰, 是一种除了把我喂胖也会想想减肥的法子的信仰, 是一种希望我能变成更好的自己的信仰, 也是一种没有你我的生活好像缺了什么的信仰。 于我,亚米是熟人,是朋友,也是来自隔壁老王那份特别的关注(喜欢这个比喻😍) 嗝,这碗鸡汤喝得真饱☀️ —致敬每个喜爱亚米的你❤️ PS:不是软广,不是宣文,纯粹个人感想。