
Making and tasting Japanese-style "octopus balls".

Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, "octopus balls" is one of the must-eat foods in Osaka, Japan. If you don't have the money to go to Japan, you want to eat octopus balls. How to do?

Do it yourself, do it yourself.

Material preparation:
1: Octopus ball machine, 2 bamboo sticks, soup spoon, chopsticks.
2: Octopus ball powder, octopus ball juice, bonito flakes, mayonnaise, nori powder, cooking oil, hondashi.
3: Shaoxing vegetables, eggs, yam, green onions.
4: Octopus feet. (All major Japanese supermarkets sell it, if you don't have it, you can use seafood mix, or shrimp)
 Mixed ingredients:
 250 grams of flour, 2 eggs, 500 grams of water, plus half a spoon of hondashi (Japanese fish meal) instead of salt.
Tips: (If you don't know the scale of the water and there is no measuring cup at home, you can refer to the mineral water you often drink, each bottle is 500 grams)
 Shao Cai and Yam Minced
Mix eggs and octopus powder with boiling water until thick, not too watery or too mushy.
(If the octopus balls are too thin, they will not be formed, and if they are too thick, they will become egg puffs. You will master it by doing it a few times by yourself.)
 After stirring evenly, there is no powder, then pour in the chopped yam and Shaoxing and continue stirring until evenly.
Take the 8 legs of the protagonist, take out one of them and cut them into pieces (the size is measured by yourself)
After all the ingredients are ready, preheat the oven.
After the octopus ball machine is preheated  I will use a kitchen towel to coat the surface with cooking oil.
Pour the mixture into the octopus ball machine.
Tip: (If this is the first time, don't pour all the ingredients into the machine at once, you can do half of it first, master the skills, and then do the other side, otherwise it will burn easily, and you will not be able to control the time and the machine. heat.) Once you are familiar with it, you can finish the mixture in one sitting.
I like that the mixture covers the machine all over.
Put the diced octopus feet first.
Then put onions.
When you put in the octopus feet and diced green onion, the bottom of the small balls has already started to cook.
We can use 2 bamboo skewers to slowly get the excess material around the circle into the small balls to make it more plump and even.
Run the uncooked sides to the bottom with a bamboo skewer and let them slowly form.
Tips: (If you want the outer skin to be more crispy, you can pour the cooking oil again to make the outer skin golden brown.
From pouring into the mixture - putting in the ingredients - - bamboo sticks are formed (5-8 minutes) and you can cook!
We first pour in the octopus balls sauce (how much to measure)
Then squeeze in mayonnaise (how much you measure)
Lastly sprinkle chopped seaweed.
If you don't have chopped seaweed or feel that the chopped seaweed is monotonous, you can also sprinkle in furikake (it already contains chopped bonito, sesame, and seaweed) .
In this way, a delicious "octopus ball" is completed.
Appreciate pictures and lick the screen time. Please:
Personally, I like to make the second round while eating the first round, so I can eat the second round after the first round. Don't waste ingredients, use all the ingredients.
What are you waiting for, feel free to do it!
Overall feeling: In addition to the normal version of octopus balls, in fact, everyone can put their own ingredients outside the play, kimchi, cheese, corn kernels, fish sausage, tuna, etc. If Chinese, you can add bacon and sausage.
I failed the first time and the second time. I have to practice more and watch more videos. One day you can also become an octopus ball expert.
Personally, this octopus ball machine has been used for many years, and several nests cannot be heated. Getting ready to get Yami's octopus ball machine.
(The above is personal sharing)
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Trailer: Yakisoba, yakisoba.

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1:章鱼小丸子机器 竹签2枝,汤勺,筷子。
4:章鱼脚。(各大日式超市都有卖,如果没有可以用seafood mix,或 虾)
 面粉250克,鸡蛋2个,水500克 加上半勺hondashi(日式鱼粉)替代盐。
章鱼小丸子机器预热好后  我会用厨房纸巾在面上涂上一层食用油。
总体感觉:除了正常版的章鱼小丸子,其实大家都可以放上自己戏外的食材,kimchi,cheese,玉米粒,鱼肉肠,吞拿鱼,等。如果中式可以加腊肉 腊肠。