Newly discovered good thing ~ Natural Paradise moisturizing aloe vera gel! Although the name is called moisturizing aloe vera gel, what really amazes me is its function of calming the skin and smoothing acne. I still remember that the first time I used it, I felt a little hot on my face one night, and the acne was about to appear. I still remember that in the summer, there was a little fairy Amway in the iron powder group. This aloe vera gel has the effect of calming the skin. I just started it not long ago. I didn't open the package, I immediately found it and applied a thick layer, it was cool, I washed it off after about ten minutes, the whole face immediately felt very relaxed, I felt incredible at that time, the effect was even a mask. Can't compare. Since then, I have entered the pit of aloe vera gel. Whenever I feel that my face is a little sensitive or the acne tends to break out, I apply a little bit locally, and the skin can be calmed down immediately, so that the acne will not develop to special. exaggerated situation. Sometimes I will also apply a thick layer on the whole face as a mask, this aloe vera gel is really the most realistic restoration of the picture volume among the skin care products and cosmetics that Yami started (I don’t know if you have any. This feeling, every time I open the box and take out a new product, I always feel that it is much smaller than I expected 😂...) So it is really a cheap and big bowl, and it doesn't feel bad to apply it thickly! This is the most sensible of all the products I bought in 2017. I really feel it is easy to use before recommending it to everyone 👍!
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yami_featured_image 新发现的好物~自然乐园补水芦荟胶!虽说名字叫做补水芦荟胶,但是它真正惊艳到我的却是它镇静肌肤,抚平痘痘的功能。 还记得第一次用是在某个晚上感觉脸上有点发热,痘痘呼之欲出,还记得夏天的时候铁粉群里有小仙女安利这款芦荟胶有镇静肌肤的作用,刚好不久前才入手还没开封,立马找出来涂了厚厚的一层,凉凉的,大概十分钟以后去洗掉,整张脸立马感觉无比轻松,当时的自己简直都感觉不可思议,那种效果甚至是敷面膜都比不上的。 从此以后我就入了芦荟胶的坑了,任何时候只要感觉脸部有些敏感或者痘痘有爆出的趋势,在局部涂上一点,皮肤立马就能镇静下来,让痘痘不至于发展到特别夸张的情况。 有的时候我还会在全脸厚厚涂一层,当作一次面膜,这款芦荟胶真的是在亚米入手的护肤品和化妆品里最真实还原图片体积的了(不知道大家有没有这种感觉,每次拆开箱子拿出新入手的商品永远都感觉比心里预想的要小很多😂……)所以说真的是便宜大碗,涂厚点也不心疼! 这款是2017年入手的所有商品里感觉最明智的了,个人真的感觉好用才推荐给大家👍!