【Clothing perfume spray】 This is a perfume that can be sprayed on anything. And it has the function of [sterilization]. Yes, I bought it for these two words! I usually put it in the toilet and locker room. It also eliminates the odor very quickly. And it's in such a big bottle. How to spray, why not feel bad✌️ It also has a variety of flavors. This blue one is a gorgeous and relaxing fragrance. At first, it is the fragrance of saffron. Then the middle note is a little rose violet. The end note is amber. I think it smells pretty good. A must for the toilet. Much better than those toilet fragrances. Not pungent! And the appearance is also much taller than ordinary toilet fragrances, haha
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yami_featured_image 【衣物香水喷雾】 这是一款什么都可以喷的香水.而且有【杀菌】的功能.没错就是冲这两字买的! 我平常都放在厕所和更衣室里.消除异味也很快速.而且这么大瓶装.怎么喷怎么不心疼✌️ 它的系列味道也很多种.这款蓝色的是华丽放松香.刚开始是枙子的香味.然后中调有点玫瑰紫罗兰味道.尾调就是琥珀香里.我觉得还挺好闻的. 厕所必备.比那些厕所清香剂好多了 不刺鼻!而且外观是不是也比普通的厕所清香剂高大上很多呢哈哈