hhhhhh~ In 2017, rice noodles were popular in Yami for a while, and then I bought a cup of rice noodles and tasted it. When I drank the first box, it was really good, especially with condensed milk~ Later, I bought it in Yami One of the three boxes of bags arrived in 11.11 seconds, but after I bought the bags, I drank a few bags and didn't want to drink it. I tried adding salt and soy sauce, but I couldn't accept the taste. But today I added it with Yonghe soy milk powder and boiled it in hot water, drink it well hahahahahaha I feel like I'm falling in love with them again
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hhhhhh~ 2017年米稀在亚米火了一段时间 然后我就自己买了杯装的米稀尝了尝 在喝第一箱的时候真的好好喝特别是加上炼奶~ 后来又在亚米囤了三盒袋装的 其中一盒是11.11秒到的 可是袋装买来以后喝了几包就不想喝了 我自己试过加盐 加酱油味道都接受不了。 然而今天我拿它和永和豆浆粉加在一起 然后用热水泡开 好好喝哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 我感觉我又重新爱上了它们