[You dare to buy, I dare to buy short] series In summer, spraying this spray on clothes can maintain a cool feeling for a long time, no longer afraid of the embarrassing situation that the clothes are soaked by the heat~ I personally tested [colorless and odorless] and [does not hurt clothes], and I felt that the temperature dropped several degrees after spraying. ⚠️Spray on clothes! Do not spray on the skin! !
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yami_featured_image 【你敢进货,我敢买空】系列 夏天把这个喷雾喷在衣服上,可以维持挺长一段时间凉凉的感觉,再也不怕热得衣服都湿透的尴尬情况了~ 亲测【无色无味】、【不伤害衣服】,喷完体表感觉温度下降好几度. ⚠️喷雾要喷在衣服上!不能喷皮肤哦!!