Panda dumplings Today is 元宵节. It was my first time to make glutinous rice balls, so I decided to make a creative glutinous rice balls. The filling is cheese and chocolate. When I showed my husband the dumplings I made, I thought he would say, so cute! As a result, he said: will the ears fall off after cooking this 🐼? I boiled one and tried it out, but my ears didn't fall off. I said happily: It's all good after cooking. He looked at it and said: It has a double chin. I really don't want to chat with some people 🙃🙃 Ingredients needed (about 10 dumplings): Tangyuan skin: 100g glutinous rice flour, 30g boiling water, 45-50g cold water Filling: cream cheese (I used mozzarella and found it to be salty 😂), chocolate powder, sugar, milk powder Brown dumpling skin: glutinous rice flour, boiling water, cold water, chocolate powder 1️⃣Mix the filling evenly, put it in the microwave for a few seconds to soften the cheese, and knead it into five small balls. Put in freezer. 2️⃣Add boiling water to the glutinous rice flour, stir well, then add cold water, add water little by little, you can knead into a ball, and the hardness is about the same as the earlobe. Wrap in cling film for later use. Use the same method to make brown rice dumplings. 3️⃣ Take out the frozen filling and divide the glutinous rice ball into 2 parts, one of which is kept wrapped in plastic wrap, and the other is divided into 5 parts. Flatten the glutinous rice ball, make a depression in the middle, add the filling, use the tiger's mouth to move the dough up, make a glutinous rice ball, knead it, and press it into a slightly flat oval shape. 4️⃣ Make panda ears, eyes and nose with brown glutinous rice ball skin, dip some water and stick it on the glutinous rice balls.
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yami_featured_image 熊猫汤圆 今天是元宵节,第一次自己做汤圆,决定做个创意汤圆,这个馅料是芝士巧克力的。 给老公看我做的汤圆,本以为他会说,好可爱啊!结果他说:煮了这个🐼耳朵会不会掉啊?煮了一个试了试耳朵没掉,很开心的说:煮好了都好好的啊。他看看了说:它有双下巴了。 真是不想跟有些人聊天🙃🙃 所需食材(10个左右汤圆): 汤圆皮:糯米粉100g,开水30g,冷水45-50g 馅料:奶油奶酪(我用了马苏里拉奶酪发现是咸的😂)、巧克力粉、糖、奶粉 棕色汤圆皮:糯米粉、开水、冷水、巧克力粉 1️⃣将馅料混合均匀,放入微波炉加热几秒钟,让奶酪软化一些,揉成五个小团。放入冷冻室。 2️⃣糯米粉中加入开水,搅拌均匀,再加入冷水,水一点点加入,可以揉成团,软硬度和耳垂差不多即可。包好保鲜膜待用。同样方法做出棕色汤圆皮。 3️⃣取出冻硬的馅料,将糯米团分成2份,其中一份继续包在保鲜膜里,另一份分成5份。将糯米团压扁,中间凹陷,放入馅料,用虎口将面团上移,做成汤圆揉一揉,压成略扁的椭圆形。 4️⃣用棕色汤圆皮做出熊猫的耳朵眼睛鼻子,沾一些清水粘在汤圆上即可。