【Day Four】 新春穿搭打卡 is the fourth day. I want to talk about jewelry accessories. 🌸This is a Korean drama--Legend of the Blue Sea. It's the same style. But I like it because of its low-key and luxurious design. It is versatile and beautiful. It is very generous. It belongs to Korean jewelry. I wore it for a few days. It was praised by many people. I was very happy. Therefore, the festivals have been very happy these few days 💕 Really suitable for all daily wear styles. Can't go wrong style!
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yami_featured_image 【Day Four】 新春穿搭打卡第四天了.想来聊聊首饰配件. 🌸这款是韩剧--蓝色大海的传说.里同款.但是喜欢它的原因还是因为它的低调奢华的设计.百搭又好看.非常大方.它属于韩国饰品.虽然不是大牌.但是这几天戴着它.被很多人夸.心里美滋滋的.因此这几天节日都过的特别的开心💕 真的很适合日常的所有穿搭风格.不出错的款式!