Mapo Tofu Sauté pepper and chili noodles in oil, stir-fry the meat on low heat, fry the water out of the meat (otherwise it will be fishy), put onion, ginger and garlic ➕ a spoonful of sugar to make it fresh, a little cooking wine and a little soy sauce to color, fry the tofu on low heat, + White pepper and salt, heat water, just cover the tofu, bring to a boil and simmer for fifteen minutes, during which you can prepare another dish. When the water is about to evaporate, thicken and collect the juice (thickening can ensure that each piece of tofu is coated with flavor), turn off the heat and add chopped green onion ➕ a little sesame oil, and also add a little sesame oil. Very delicious meal. Broccoli Fried Shrimp Boil a pot of water ➕ salt and a little oil (to ensure that the color of the broccoli is good and the nutrition is not excessively lost) and blanch the broccoli. Fry the shrimp with ginger slices in a hot pan, add cooking wine and oyster sauce, it will be very fresh, and the mushrooms and broccoli will be very delicious after a while. You can add more garlic slices, sauté until fragrant, saute mushrooms, add salt and black pepper, when almost cooked, add broccoli and shrimp, thicken and serve.
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yami_featured_image 麻婆豆腐 油爆香花椒和辣椒面,小火煸肉,把肉里的水炒出来(不然会腥),放葱姜蒜➕一勺糖提鲜一点料酒一点酱油上色,小火煎一下豆腐,+白胡椒粉和盐,加热水,刚盖住豆腐就可以,大火烧开小火炖十五分钟,期间可以准备另一道菜。 水快蒸发完的时候勾芡收汁(勾芡可以确保每块豆腐都裹上味道)关火放葱花➕一点香油,有麻油的也加一点。非常下饭好吃。 西兰花炒虾 烧一锅水➕盐和一点油(确保西兰花颜色好看营养不过度流失)焯一下西兰花。 热锅凉油放姜片炒虾,略变粉红色,加料酒和蚝油,非常提鲜,呆会的蘑菇和西兰花会非常好吃。 放入蒜片可以多一点,爆香,炒蘑菇,加盐和黑胡椒粉,快熟的时候把西兰花和虾放进去,勾芡出锅。