
Unprofessional evaluation personal taste - milk tea

I am suddenly addicted to milk tea recently You must drink milk tea every day< span class="s2"> Not drinking seems to be missing something I also want to make a comparison on a whim. The writing is not good (primary school level) and the photography is incompetent handicapped You can accommodate yourself< span class="s2">

Before starting the milk tea, Amway had a small wave of this I didn't read the reviews very well when I bought it Good But when I arrived, I took a sip span>It suits my taste The sugar water is not very sweet not qqthe kind of bouncingboba Just soft It tastes like the sugar water I used to eat when I was a kid very comfortable I like it very much will sell many, many more! !

The first milk tea was Vita's Hong Kong-style milk tea

The brain hole suddenly became bigger, and the pearl circle was added! Actually not bad!

This milk tea has a strong taste It is Hong Kong-style milk tea after all but not hard good for drink! 无限回购 a box at home🙊

The second is the Hong Kong milk tea from Lanfang Garden Tell the truth< /span> I don't see much difference Compared to Vita The tea taste will be stronger A little more expensive but the rest I think is about the same span> The weight is similar Lanfangyuan More30mlJust a bite < span class="s1">Of course it's delicious👌

Begin to compare and rush by myself

For fairness (mostly not Japanese) I put them all2Tbsp powder and250mlLeft and right milk tea powder 

There are two Yami for a long time out of stock that I have not grabbed Then at I saw that I bought it in the super so no tag < span class="s1">But you understand Yami if it is convenient

The first one is the Milk House  span>

Milk⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️  

Tea flavor⭐️

Sweetness⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

I personally think it is very sweet So I usually put more water when I drink it More but it's almost like the taste of milk tea you drink outside.

The second section istwinings


Tea flavor⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️  ;


This tea has a very low-key but strong tea flavor Black tea< /span>earl greyfeeling

The last one is the most popular Nitto

Milk⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️  

Tea flavor⭐️ ⭐️

Sweetness⭐️ ⭐️ 

This one actually tastes very similar to the milk house but the milk house Sweeter Not particularly amazing when I drank it for the first time span>Although in my heart she is better than the milk house It's also grandma's but it tastes like tea It's quite enough so it's quite balanced

I feel like you might want to see a big group photo, so I took a lot of photos😒

Actually every one tastes good I just want to drink it according to my mood That punches that 😛The advantage of milk tea powder is that it can be drunk in winter Warm Milk Tea  

But sometimes when I'm too lazy, I'll grab a box of Vita and start drinking I also bring a box in my school bag when I go out to class in the morning To be honest, I think Lanfangyuan and Vita's words Vita is more worth buying Sex The price is higher It's all personal taste after all < span class="s1">Just say something😂 

Finally I'm going to teach a way to cook pearls (boba)🙋Worked and studied in a milk tea shop before Forgot to take a photo 

But it's just boiling Pour itbobaboil until soft then drain Can be supercooled but too lazy to speak Forget it 

Then pour white gauze candy while she is warm Weigh me Generally, it can becoverthe surface is good Basic1Compared to1 or more Do it a few times and you will understand Don't be afraid of sweets < /span>

Then stir until the sugar dissolves into sugar waterokOK< span class="s2"> No need to fire unless your pearls It's cold can't make sugar anymore At this time, you can turn on the lowest heat and stir like a hot pot 

It can be soaked for about ten minutes and then you can take it out of the sugar water and eat it or add it to the milk tea Not very sweet 

The milk tea shop'sbobasoft because they have an incubator span> But we are at home by ourselves It may be a little hard after a long time. Then you can heat it up again...microwave for five or six seconds more consequences I don't know either🤦‍♀️Otherwise, it's hot pot < /span>But cook as much as you eat bobaIt is best not to put more than four Just an hour

Crap is over Thank you for reading🙊Very touching❤️

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不专业测评 个人口味-奶茶篇

最近突然很沉迷奶茶 天天一定要喝奶茶 不喝好像缺了点什么 也突发奇想做一下对比 文笔不好(小学生水平)拍照无能 手残 你们迁就迁就看吧

开始奶茶之前安利一小波这个 我买的时候看评论不是很好 但是到的时候我开了直接喝了一口 很合我口味 糖水没有很甜 不是qq弹弹的那种boba 就软软的 有种我小时候吃的路边摊糖水的味道 很舒服 所以很喜欢 会再卖很多很多!!



这款奶茶茶味比较重 毕竟是港式奶茶 但是不会很苦 好喝的!无限回购 家里一箱🙊

第二款是这个蘭芳園的香港奶茶 说实话 我没有觉得有太大的差别 相比维他的来说 茶味会更浓一点 价钱贵点 但是其余的我觉得差不多 分量其实也差不多 兰芳园多30ml就一口的量 当然也是很好喝的👌


为了公平(主要不会日文) 我都是放2大勺粉还有250ml左右的奶茶粉 

有两个亚米长期缺货我没抢到过 然后在日超看到买的 所以没tag 但是你们懂亚米有方便就行


奶味⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 


甜度⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

我个人觉得很甜 所以我一般喝的时候水放的比较多 但是差不多就是一般外面喝的奶茶的味道吧



茶味⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 


这款的茶味是很低调但是又很浓的茶味 红茶earl grey的感觉


奶味⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 

茶味⭐️ ⭐️

甜度⭐️ ⭐️ 

这款其实我觉得跟牛乳屋的味道很相似 但是牛乳屋更甜 第一次喝的时候也没有特别惊艳 虽然在我心里她是比牛乳屋好喝 也是奶奶的但是茶味也挺够的 所以算是很平衡的


其实每一款都好喝 我现在就是根据心情想喝那个冲那个 😛奶茶粉的好处就是冬天的时候可以喝暖暖的奶茶  

但是有时候懒得时候我会拿一盒维他就开始喝 早上出门上课的时候也带一盒在书包 说实话我觉得兰芳园和维他的话 维他更值得买 性比价更高 毕竟都是个人口味嘛 就随意说说😂 

最后我要教一个煮珍珠(boba)的方法🙋之前在奶茶店打工学的 忘记拍照片了 

但是就是水煮沸腾 boba煮到软 然后沥干 可以过冷水 但是懒得话就算了 

然后趁她暖暖热热的时候倒白纱糖 分量我一般都是能cover表面就好 基本11 或者更多 做几次你们就懂了 不要怕甜 

然后就搅拌到砂糖化成糖水就ok 不需要开火 除非你的珍珠凉了 化不了糖了 这时候你可以开最小火一边热着锅子一般搅拌 

大概泡个十分钟左右就可以从糖水里面捞出来吃或者加进奶茶里面 不会很死甜的 

奶茶店的boba软软的是因为她们有保温箱 但是我们自己在家 放久了可能会有点硬 那你再把它热一下就好啦...微波炉个五六秒 多了后果我也不知道🤦‍♀️不然就是开火锅子热 但是你们吃多少就煮多少吧 boba最好不要放超过四个小时就是了

废话完了 谢谢你看完了🙊很感人❤️