These are all repurchases! Keep Milkis in the fridge when you want to drink it (preferably all the time), and it's amazing to take out and drink! The first time I drank it was from my boyfriend Amway. The first sip was nothing, but the more I drank it, the better it became. So I went to buy 6 cans with my boyfriend, drank two bottles first, and put the other four bottles in the refrigerator of his Korean home, but when I went to get them at night, I found that the four cans were gone😂 I bought this time Various flavors of milkis for a good mood Let’s talk about that noble concubine Yangmei. When I bought it for the first time, I only bought a box, but it was eaten up in two days. I also gave it to my classmates by the way, hee hee. This time I bought three boxes at once. Barley water, not to mention, unlimited repurchase Langweixian bought a pack in order to control himself to eat less snacks hahahahaha
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这些都是回购啦! Milkis想喝的时候就放在冰箱里(最好一直都放在冰箱),再拿出来喝绝对惊艳!我第一次喝的时候是男朋友安利的,第一口感觉没什么,但后来越喝越好喝。于是当时和男朋友去买了6罐装的,先喝掉了两瓶,另外四瓶放在他韩国住家的冰箱里,结果晚上去拿的时候,发现那四罐都没了😂 这次买了各种味道的milkis,心情愉悦 再说一下那个贵妃杨梅,第一次买的时候只买了一盒,结果两天就给吃没了,还顺便安利给了同学,嘻嘻。这次就一次性买了三盒。 薏仁水,不说了,无限次回购 浪味仙就买了一包 为了控制自己少吃零食哈哈哈哈哈哈