Red bean lotus seed soup. If you slow down the cooker red beans, you don't need to soak them in advance. Soak lotus seeds for a few hours, then throw them in overnight and eat them the next morning. This time, I boiled it in a pot and soaked it overnight. The lotus seeds were boiled first, and then they were a little soft, and then I put the red beans in. At the end, when I eat it, ➕ rock sugar.
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红豆莲子汤。 如果放慢炖锅红豆就不用提前泡 莲子要泡几个小时,然后丢进去一晚上 第二天早上就能吃。 这次用锅煮 都提前泡了一晚上 莲子先煮 有点软了再放红豆进去,最后吃的时候➕冰糖。