Got my Yami package today The first photo how about a Five gesture with a foot expect to be drawn be exempted 50% off I really bought a lot this time 螺狮粉 螺狮粉 is my favorite food This time I saw the tomato-flavored 螺狮粉 I bought a few bags and I am looking forward to the taste 螺狮粉 would have been spicy This spicy 螺狮粉 made me very curious, just bought a bag and felt it Haohuanluo's 螺狮粉 only bought one bag last year Buy a few more bags this time I want to buy Weilong's kissing burn, but the packaging I want is sold out, and it has not been delivered for several days. I really want to eat Weilong's fish tofu I saw the fish tofu from BESTORE again Decisively buy some to experience Zhang Junya's tomato flavor and spicy chicken flavor are my two favorites Yeah, I haven't eaten potatoes for many years, but I can't remember the taste when I got a pack. Honey-flavored potato chips are on fire, I haven't eaten them in years Might as well buy a bag and try it. Finished drying satisfy. . . . thanks yami Thanks Yami CEO
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今天拿到我的亚米包裹啦 第一张照片用脚比划一个Five怎么样 期待被抽中 被免单 被打五折 这次真的是买了好多好多螺狮粉呐 最喜欢吃的非螺霸王的螺狮粉莫属了 这次看到了蕃茄味的螺狮粉果断买了几袋 十分期待味道 螺狮粉本来都很辣 这个麻辣螺狮粉让我很好奇呐 只买了一袋感受一下 好欢螺的螺狮粉只在去年买过一袋 这次得多买几袋囤着 想买卫龙的亲嘴烧 可是自己想要的包装的都售罄了 好几天都没上货 看到卫龙的鱼豆腐很是想吃 又看见了良品铺子的鱼豆腐 果断都买点儿感受一下 张君雅番茄味的和麻辣鸡味的是我最爱的两款 呀土豆好多年没吃过了 得来一包 都不记得什么味儿了 蜂蜜味的薯片火了这几年我都一直没吃过 还是买一袋尝尝啦 晒货完毕 满足。。。。 感谢亚米 感谢亚米CEO