[Annier's Daily Planting] The warm sesame paste is delicious for breakfast I heard that the southern black sesame paste is coming soon! While looking forward to it, it is also good to take this pad from Xin Dongyang first~ In order to enrich the taste, I will also cook some small balls first, and then directly mix in the black sesame aleurone powder, which is fragrant and glutinous. A bowl is really enjoyable! It is a good choice not for breakfast, but also for dessert 😋
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【安妮er的日常种草】之暖暖芝麻糊早餐好味道 听说南方黑芝麻糊快要上了!翘首以盼的同时,先拿新东阳这款垫垫饥也是不错哒~ 为了丰富口感,我还会先煮一些小圆子,然后直接拌入黑芝麻糊粉,香香糯糯,一碗真过瘾!不当早餐,当夜宵当甜品都是不错的选择😋