So-so - Queen's Secret Deep Hydrating Mask Feeling of use: ❤️❤️❤️ I think the use of this mask is average, but first of all, the mask paper is very thick, and the fit on the face is also average! As can be seen from the picture, the chin part is basically very disobedient, Then the mask paper is very thick. The box says that it contains 30ml of essence, but after I opened it, there was no extra essence in the bag! There is not a lot of essence in the mask. After taking it for nearly 15 minutes, I took off the mask and the mask paper was not dry, but I didn't feel it was very absorbed! Moisturizing: ❤️❤️❤️ Value for money: ❤️❤️❤️ To sum up, the one version that shrinks pores on the face after use is basically qualified to complete the task! But deep moisturizing mask, why do my cheeks feel dry after washing? Water supplement is not qualified! , I don't think this combination is particularly amazing, especially in the areas of hydration and pores. I used SK2 water later, and the effect of shrinking pores is better than this! I don't think this one is worth recommending, and the price/performance ratio is also very low, almost out of consideration! What I can't understand is why a lot of people in Xiaohongshu have very good comments on this mask. I have a lot of them here. Many masks of 网红 are not easy to use. Haha, it seems that you still need to be cautious.
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yami_featured_image 一般般的——皇后的秘密深层保湿面膜 使用感:❤️❤️❤️ 这款面膜的使用感我觉得一般,而首先它的面膜纸很厚,上脸的服帖度也一般! 由图可见,下巴部分基本上是很不服帖的, 然后面膜纸很厚哦,盒子里面介绍说含有30毫升的精华液,可是我打开以后并没有任何多余的精华液在袋子里啊! 面膜里的精华液也不是很多,服了将近15分钟以后,拿下面膜,面膜纸并没有干,但是也不觉得非常的吸收! 保湿:❤️❤️❤️ 性价比:❤️❤️❤️ 总结使用完后脸上毛孔缩的一版算是基本合格完成任务!但是深沉补水面膜,为啥洗完脸两颊就觉得干呢?补水不合格吧!,我觉得这款综合没有特别的惊艳的地方,特别是在补水和毛孔的地方,我后面用了SK2的水,缩毛孔的效果都比这个好! 这一款我觉得并不值得推荐,性价比也非常的低,几乎可以不在考虑范围! 不能理解的是为什么小红书很多达人都对这款面膜评价巨好,在我这里很多,很多网红的面膜都不好用,哈哈,看来跟风还是需谨慎。