Recommend this pickled pepper chicken feet seasoning package with out-of-stock properties. Super useful and delicious! Just follow the production method on the back of the packaging bag, it is ready in less than half an hour, and it tastes better after putting it in the refrigerator to eat overnight. I was drying chicken feet in the circle of friends before, and my friends thought I was going to be a purchasing agent, hhhh
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推荐一下这个自带断货属性的泡椒凤爪调料包。超级好用又好吃! 按照包装袋后面的制作方法操作即可,不到半个小时就做好了,放入冰箱后隔夜吃味道更好。 我之前在朋友圈晒鸡爪,朋友以为我要做代购,hhhh