A wave of evaluation ❤️ I saw this fish meal in the new product when I was buying it last week. I just added one, one is to try it out and the other is to make up the order 😂 Fish powder has a softer taste, and friends who like to eat Q-bombs like snail noodles may be a little disappointed in the taste of this rice noodles. but! friends! The fish meal soup base is delicious! ! ! Very fragrant, and only slightly spicy, and will not eat a lot of tears and snot. I only bought one pack this time, and I immediately added fishmeal and sweet potato fishmeal to the shopping cart. Sit back and wait for 85 on the 27th to buy another wave! Blowing the air conditioner, drinking the ice "Kuo Le", and then smashing some powder. Decent~✌🏼
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一波测评❤️ 上个礼拜买买买的时候在新品里面看见了这个鱼粉。 就随手加了一个,一是想尝尝鲜二是凑单😂 鱼粉属于比较软绵的口感,喜欢吃像螺蛳粉那样Q弹的朋友可能会对这个米粉的口感有一点小失望。但是!朋友们!鱼粉的汤底好喝的不得了!!!非常的鲜香,而且只是微辣,并不会吃的眼泪鼻涕一大把一大把的流。 这次只买了一包的我,立马再把鱼粉和红薯鱼粉加入购物车一波。坐等27号全场85再买一波! 吹着空调喝着冰“阔乐”再嗦个粉。得劲~✌🏼