🍛 Cook by yourself (2) 🍣

🥘1. Braised Potatoes

Easy Recipes:

1. Peel potatoes, cut into pieces, soak in water; slice garlic.

2. Put a little oil in a hot pan, add potatoes and sliced garlic, and fry until the sides of the potatoes are slightly mushy.

3. Add an appropriate amount of Lao Ganma according to personal preference, and stir-fry for a while.

4. Rinse the rice and put it into the rice cooker together with the fried potatoes and garlic slices; at the same time, you can add sausage, luncheon meat, etc. .

5. Follow the instructions of the rice cooker and cook.

Note: If you don’t like garlic, you can omit the garlic; you can also use tenderloin and chicken breast instead.

🥘2. Preserved Egg Salad

Easy Recipes:

1. Preserved egg slices and platters.

2. Prepare the sauce: minced garlic, minced green onion, vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil, stir well.

3. Pour sauce over the preserved eggs.

Note: If you think it is too troublesome to prepare the sauce, you can pour some vinegar directly; the ratio of vinegar to soy sauce in the sauce is2: 1, adjust according to personal preference; those who like spicy can add chopped pepper to the sauce.

🥘3. Shredded Mustard Pork Noodles

Easy Recipes:

1. The tenderloin/Shred the chicken breast, add a little salt, white pepper, and starch, mix well, and marinate for 10minutes.

2. Put a little oil in a hot pan, stir-fry the shredded pork until it changes color.

3. Add an appropriate amount of mustard and stir fry.

4. Add water and cook the noodles according to the instructions on the back of the package after the water boils.

5. You can add an appropriate amount of green vegetables, such as chicken feathers, spinach, and small rapeseed.

Note: Any kind of noodles can be used. Personally, I like this Chunsi's Yangchun noodles, which are thin but very strong.

🥘4. Fried Rice Noodles

Easy Recipes:

1. Soak the rice noodles according to the instructions on the back of the package.

2. Appropriate amount of shrimp, add a little salt and starch and marinate for ten minutes.

3. Shred lettuce, carrots, and wash snow peas.

4. Add oil to a hot pan, add snow peas and stir-fry until broken, add carrots and shrimps and stir-fry for a few minutes.

5. Add lettuce and stir-fry until soft, add rice noodles and appropriate amount of soy sauce and continue to stir-fry for a while, then serve.

Note: If you want to make the taste of Galaxy Fried Noodles, you need to add curry powder; if there is no shrimp, you can use other meats; green vegetables can be replaced by other vegetables; When the ingredients are put into the pot, you can fry each ingredient separately, and then add it to the pot together with the rice noodles.

Note: All of the above simple recipes are not the most traditional and comprehensive methods, but tend to be quick-hand dishes with easy-to-obtain ingredients and save time.

Note: China and the United States have different firepower, especially non-natural gas induction cookers sometimes have insufficient firepower, and need to adjust the firepower according to their own conditions.

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🥘1. 土豆焖饭


1. 土豆削皮,切块,清水泡;大蒜切片。

2. 热锅放少许油,放土豆和蒜片,翻炒至土豆边稍稍糊。

3. 依个人爱好加入适量老干妈,稍稍翻炒即可。

4. 大米洗净,连同炒好的土豆蒜片一起放入电饭煲内;同时可加入腊肠、午餐肉等。

5. 按照电饭煲说明,煮熟即可。


🥘2. 凉拌皮蛋


1. 皮蛋切瓣摆盘。

2. 调制酱汁:蒜末,葱末,醋,酱油,香油,搅拌均匀。

3. 将酱汁淋在皮蛋上。


🥘3. 榨菜肉丝面


1. 将里脊肉/鸡胸肉切丝,加少许盐、白胡椒粉、淀粉拌均,腌制10分钟。

2. 热锅放少许油,下肉丝煸炒至变色。

3. 加入适量榨菜煸炒。

4. 加水,待水开后按照包装背面说明煮面。

5. 可加入适量青菜,鸡毛菜、菠菜、小油菜都可以。


🥘4. 炒米粉


1. 米粉按包装背面说明泡好。

2. 虾仁适量,加少许盐、淀粉腌制十分钟。

3. 生菜、胡萝卜切丝,荷兰豆洗净。

4. 热锅加油,放入荷兰豆煸炒至断生,加入胡萝卜、虾仁翻炒几分钟。

5. 加入生菜翻炒至软,放米粉和适量酱油继续翻炒片刻,即可出锅。


