I'm here to post the order again~ Yami has been very diligent in buying recently 😂😂 From today, be a healthy girl~ Mayushan's yam and five-grain porridge and black sesame paste each include a packet Maybe it's because I'm used to drinking southern black sesame paste, I feel that this is a bit thin, but it's still good for the stomach for breakfast The color of the lipstick of Botanic farm is not bad. It has already entered two different colors. If you do a lip balm in advance, the color is still very beautiful~ The snail powder, fish powder and eight-treasure porridge are all in a pile, no matter how busy you are, you can't treat your stomach badly! Luobawang is basically a must-have at home. I have tried several kinds of Luoshi powder, and this one is more suitable for my taste. The spiciness is moderate, and the ingredients are also basic. I have only put half a pack of chili oil at the beginning, and now I have one pack. Chili oil is not a problem 😂😂 The above is the list for this time~
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又来晒单啦~最近亚米买的特别勤😂😂 从今天起,做个养生girl~ 马玉山的山药五谷粥和黑芝麻糊各入了一包 可能是我南方黑芝麻糊喝惯了,感觉这款有点稀,不过当早餐对胃还是挺好的 Botanic farm的唇膏颜色还不错,已经入了两只不同色了,如果提前做好润唇,颜色还是很美美哒~ 螺狮粉鱼粉八宝粥都入了一堆,再忙也不能亏待自己的胃! 螺霸王基本上家中必备,试了好几款螺狮粉,还是这款比较合我口味,辣度适中,材料也是基本款,我已经从当初的只能放半包辣油,到如今一包辣油不在话下了😂😂 以上 就是这次晒单啦~