Do you want to bring your own fairy breath? Hey, use it, and everyone who walks past you will ask you "what brand of perfume smells so good" 😂 Every time I take out the clothes from the dryer, I want to hold them and smell them. It's addicting. It seems to be a combination of softener and laundry detergent, so only this one is enough for washing clothes, you will not regret the series after buying it👍
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想不想要自带仙女气息 呐 拿去用 保证从你身边经过的人都会问你 “什么牌子的香水 如此好闻”😂 每次烘干机里拿出衣服都想抱着闻一闻 简直上瘾了 它好像是结合了柔顺剂和洗衣液 所以洗衣服只需这一颗就够了 买完你不会后悔系列👍