[Snacks*3 - Senbei, Pork Ribs, Spiced Pork] Senbei's biggest bag! God! 520g is more convenient than an economical package of more than 400 grams! should! One to two knives! I! simply! unbelievable! And it looks like a big bag, but in fact, I finished eating it for a week 😂 I was stunned on the day I finished eating: who am I, how much did I eat there Why put both labels on one picture, because I forgot to take a picture of the other one 😂 Wuxianzhai is really a long-lost five-flavor! Not the original but the five flavors! When I ate it, I searched in my head for a long time to say what this familiar taste is... Super chewy! Tight! It tastes the same as meat! Of course, the oil in vegetarian meat... Everyone knows it 😂 Peng Jixuan's is also very oily (. Slightly spicy, salty and fresh! The taste is also very meaty, and the pressure is quite tight, but not as tight as Wuxianzhai. The advantage is that it is slightly cheaper and a box of 30. Wuxianzhai should only have 8 About one. There was a little American brother who ate this, and one person had to eat seven or eight that night😂
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【零食*3——仙贝,排骨素肉,五香素肉】 仙贝最大包!神了!520g比400多克的经济包还要便!宜!一刀到两刀左右!我!简直!不敢相信!而且看起来很大包,其实吃一周也就吃完了😂吃完那天我整个人都懵了:我是谁我在那我吃了多少 为啥会把俩标签都标在一个图上,因为另一个我忘照相了😂 五贤斋这个真的是久违的五香味!不是原味而是五香味!吃到时候我在脑袋里找了半天说这熟悉的味道是啥… 超有嚼劲!紧实!吃起来和肉一样一样的!当然了素肉这个东西里的油… 大家都懂😂 彭记轩的那个也很油(。微微辣,咸鲜!口感也很肉道,压的也挺紧,但没有五贤斋的紧。好处就是略便宜而且一盒30个。五贤斋应该只有8个左右。有个美国小哥啃这个,当天晚上一人得吃了七八个😂