Push, push, push! ! This chili pepper is absolutely amazing! ! ! How can there be such a delicious sauce Stir-fried vegetables, cold dishes, boiled noodles, everything is brilliant! When cooking, I will first use the onion, ginger and garlic in a pot, then stir-fry the meat slices. When the blood of the meat slices is about to fade, add chopped peppers, cooking wine, and soy sauce and stir fry, then add the side dishes, and then add an appropriate amount of salt. . It really feels like returning to a Hunan restaurant in minutes! ! ! Next time, I will try to make chopped pepper fish head! ! The whole sauce has a spicy taste, but it is not too spicy, and it has a salty taste, so when you add salt to the dish later, you must taste it~ Anyway, it's really amazing! ! Everyone go try it! ! Out of stock now! ! ! Hope Yami will restock soon! ! Next time I will definitely stock up on several bottles at a time! ! !
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强推强推!!这个剁椒简直是绝了!!! 怎么会有这么好吃的酱嘤嘤 炒菜、凉菜、煮面条,样样都很出彩! 炒菜的时候,我会先用葱姜蒜炝锅,然后下肉片翻炒,肉片血色快褪尽的时候,加入剁椒、料酒、生抽翻炒,之后再加入配菜,再加入适量的盐。 真的是分分钟回到湖南菜馆的感觉!!!下次要试试做剁椒鱼头!! 酱的整体有辣味,但又不会过于辣,还有咸味,所以之后菜里加盐的时候要尝尝味~ 总之真的是无比惊艳!!大家赶快去试试!! 目前又断货了!!!希望亚米快快补货!!下次我一定要一次囤好几瓶!!!