🌟Today I recommend a snack that I love: Want Want Rice Cakes! 🌟Crispy and delicious, you can't stop eating it! 🤤🤤 🌟 Anniversary 15% off, the original price is $2.19, and a pack of $1.86 after sale! 🌟 Immediately got ten packs! There are six rice cakes in each pack🍘, which can be eaten for a long time! 😄😄 hahaha 🌟If you can't buy rice cakes, you can try Want Want Small Crisp. The difference between the two is: the rice cake is XL size, and the small crispy is XS size, the taste is similar! 😉😉
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🌟今天推荐一款我爱吃的零食:旺旺大米饼! 🌟香脆可口,好吃到停不下来啊!🤤🤤 🌟周年庆85折入手的,原价$2.19,打完折$1.86一包! 🌟立马入了十包!每包有六块大米饼🍘,可以吃很久啦!😄😄哈哈哈 🌟买不到大米饼的话,可以试试旺旺小小酥。两种的区别在于:大米饼是XL尺寸,小小酥是XS尺寸,味道是差不多的哟!😉😉