—————— Shiseido hair mask —————— Travel essential items Fino's hair mask👇👇👇👇 Everyone must take pictures when traveling. If you want to have beautiful hair, you must have fino hair mask, which softens your hair, gives you more luster, and makes your beauty shine😄😄 A highly recommended hair mask, a must for lazy people😲😲No steaming! Cosme Grand Prize Winner! 7⃣️ kinds of repairing essences that will soften the hair, suitable for frizzy, dry, knotted hair, it can be said to be a rescue 🌟, it is very suitable for girls with severely damaged hair! The smell is also very like a light fragrance, not pungent, not too strong, very good smell! How to use: Apply directly to the hair after washing, but don't touch the scalp, I think it will be too moisturizing! Rub your hair a little, wait about 2 minutes, then wash it off and you'll find your hair feels good to the touch! The knotted frizz is smoothed out! Use one or two times a week and you're done! 🙀🙀🙀Big❤️Special❤️, a hair mask with unlimited repurchase! Continue to wait for the price cut, and then stock up on stock 😸😸😸
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—————— 资生堂发膜 —————— 旅游必备单品 Fino家的发膜👇👇👇👇 大家旅游一定都会拍照,想要有头美美滴头发就一定少不了fino发膜,柔顺你滴头发,给你更多光泽,让你美的发光😄😄 极力推荐的一款发膜,懒人必备😲😲免蒸哟!cosme大赏得主!7⃣️种修护精华,会柔顺头发,适合头发毛躁,干燥,头发打结,可以说是救🌟啦,非常适合头发受损严重的妹子们!味道也是好喜欢淡淡的香味,不会刺鼻,也不会太浓,非常好闻的味道! 使用方法:洗完头发之后直接抹头发,但是不要摸到头皮去,我觉得那样会太滋润了!稍微揉一揉头发,等个2分钟左右,然后洗掉你就会发现头发摸起来就很舒服了!打结毛躁的地方就柔顺了!一周用个一到两次,就搞定了! 🙀🙀🙀大❤️特❤️,无限回购的一款发膜!继续等待着减价,然后囤货囤货😸😸😸