[Tomato Flavor 螺狮粉] There are people who are like me. I go on a trip. I am very hungry at night when I stay in a hotel. Hahaha. But the supper in the Meidi hotel is generally very limited. There are not many choices. So I like to eat snail noodles. It is recommended to bring a few packs of 螺狮粉 or our delicious instant noodles from Greater China in your suitcase. So today, let’s talk about 螺狮粉. This is the Lubawang’s Spring Festival limited tomato flavor. I will buy it and try it immediately. The overall packaging is as red as a tomato. It really looks like a standard Chinese New Year. Haha. This 螺狮粉 is not spicy anymore. But it still has a little numbness. The tomato flavor is also quite strong. Will there be some pineapple flavor in the future haha. I ate it at night. Really satisfied. 😋
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【旅行必备物品清单之番茄味螺狮粉】 有木有人和我一样.去旅行.住酒店的晚上肚子特别容易饿呢.哈哈哈.但是美帝酒店里的夜宵一般都非常有限.选择也不多.所以喜欢吃螺蛳粉的我.一定会推荐带上几包螺狮粉或者我们大中华的好吃方便面在行李箱里. 所以今天聊聊螺狮粉.这款是螺霸王的新春限定的番茄口味.二话不说马上买回来试吃.螺霸王家的味道果然没让我失望.真的.两个字【好吃】 整体的包装就跟一个番茄一样红彤彤.果然标准的新春模样哈哈哈.里面的食材基本都一样.除了之前的辣油包换成这次最最最重要的【番茄酱包】.所以很明显的.这螺狮粉不是辣的了.但是还是有一点点麻麻的赶脚.番茄味也挺浓的.其实简单点说就是日常不辣的螺狮粉加番茄味.这样的搭配真的也很新鲜.不晓得以后会不会来点凤梨味什么的哈哈. 大晚上吃下它.真的好满意了.😋