Barley Ruoye and Shiseido acne water are purely stockpiling. Drinking barley leaves doesn't have much effect, but I didn't expect too much from him. I drink it with milk every morning. It tastes the same as matcha 🍵. I usually like to eat meat and drink this to make the body alkaline, which is not bad. ! Shiseido's acne-removing water, a period of time ago, the face was madly closed. After each wash, apply this water, and then use the cpb water scrub to wipe it. If you grow acne, this application is also super effective. The other ones have been planting grass for a long time. I ate too much before and wanted to clear my stomach. I don't know if it works for me The price of makeup remover is really good value
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大麦若叶和资生堂祛痘水纯属囤货。 大麦若叶喝起来也没有太大的效果,不过本来对他期待值没有太高,每天早上和奶一起喝,跟抹茶🍵味道一样,平时爱吃肉 喝这个能让身体变碱性,也不错! 资生堂祛痘水,前一段时间脸上疯狂长闭口,每次洗完敷这个水,再用cpb水磨精华擦擦,如果长大痘用这个敷也超级管用。 另外的都是种草好久,之前吃的太多,想给肚子清一清。不知对我管不管用 卸妆水价格真的是超值呀