Bought a lot of snacks, love Langweixian, childhood memories is still not recommended. BESTORE brown sugar four things, longan, red dates, roses, ginger, lily, each combination of brown sugar has its own merits, every girl is worth starting. The two flavors of soft bread can cope with the lack of time to buy breakfast in the morning. Personally, I like the flavor of orange more. Douben Dou Soy Milk tastes like freshly ground, and everyone likes it. There is also a strong promotion of Nongfu Spring’s peach oolong tea, the first time I bought less, the second time I bought 5 bottles at once, stock up first 😂
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买了很多零嘴,大爱浪味仙,童年的记忆😇 两款鱼豆腐试了下,喜欢嘎嘎嘴烧烤味带点辣味,贤哥麻辣味太辣了,后勁十足,不是很能吃辣的还是不推荐。良品铺子黑糖四物,桂圆红枣,玫瑰,老姜,百合,每种搭配黑糖各有千秋,每位女生都值得入手。两种口味软面包可以应付早上来不及买早点当早餐吃,个人喜欢香橙味多点。豆本豆豆奶喝起来好像新鲜现磨,大家都喜欢。还有农夫山泉的蜜桃乌龙茶强推,第一次买少了,第二次一下买了5瓶,先囤起來😂