[Fried Chicken Kitchen] Simplified version of mutton kebabs with mutton N - Cumin mutton grains. Because I think it's too troublesome to eat mutton skewers by myself, just spread it out and grill it and eat it directly haha, it can also be made into a rice bowl or something very convenient. The lamb is marinated a day in advance, add soy sauce, vegetable oil (add a little more oil), onion, salt, ginger slices, starch, white pepper. Sprinkle the cumin and chili noodles while they are roasting, preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit, and bake in eight minutes. Fragrant 😍😍
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【炸鸡厨房】羊肉N吃之简化版羊肉串–孜然羊肉粒。因为觉得自己吃嘛串羊肉串太麻烦了直接摊开烤了直接开吃哈哈,也可以做成盖饭什么的很方便。 羊肉提前一天腌好,加酱油,植物油(多加一点油),洋葱,盐,姜片,淀粉,白胡椒粉。 孜然和辣椒面烤的时候再撒,烤箱预热四百华氏度,八分钟就烤好了。 香喷喷😍😍