I ate the slats from Asher's canteen for supper tonight... In fact, the noodles from Asher canteen have been in my shopping cart for a long time. I like to eat lasagna, so I had high expectations for it... But ah, but I was really disappointed to eat today! 😢 The pancake is still ok, the sauce is super unpalatable! ! ! When you open it, it smells of soy sauce! ! ! The noodles should at least be served with sesame sauce. What the hell is soy sauce? ? ? Fortunately, I stopped the loss in time and didn't add a lot. Later, I added Dandan fabric, and I added a lot to cover the soy sauce flavor... Overall, if you're going to try this lasagna, don't use its sauce! Just add some hot sauce you like ٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)ᵒᵏ
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今天夜宵吃了阿舍食堂的板条…… 其实阿舍食堂的面放在我的购物车已经很久了,我很喜欢吃宽面条,所以本来对它的期待值挺高的…… 可是啊可是,今天吃了真的有些失望!😢 面饼还是可以的,酱料超难吃!!! 打开就是股浓浓的酱油味!!! 拌面起码也应该配芝麻酱吧,酱油是什么鬼??? 还好及时止损,没加很多,后来又加了担担面料,加了很多才把酱油味盖过去…… 总的来说,如果你准备尝试这款宽面条的话,不要用它的酱料!随便加点自己爱吃的辣酱就好了٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)ᵒᵏ