Prepare in advance. Jiangxi Lai Noodles. (I ask for this product to be listed here) Then add red onion sauce and beef broth, chopped green onion, appropriate amount of salt and pepper powder, cooking wine and vegetables to boil, pour out of the pot and pour it into a bowl of powdered dry powder to serve. The hot late-night snack will not feel too light and healthy. The main thing is that it is really too fragrant. The soup with beef soup cubes is very rich ~ perfect! You can try it. It's very simple. All kinds of noodles can be used. I just love rice noodles, so you know, everyone has their own preferences. However, these two products are really versatile. Children who like to cook by themselves can buy them. It's very convenient to make noodles and make a clear soup.
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事先准备好 .江西濑粉.(这里我要求上架这货) 然后热水加入红葱酱和牛汤块 葱花 适量的盐 胡椒粉 料酒 青菜 煮沸 即可出锅 倒入 粉干 碗中 就可以开吃了 热腾腾 的宵夜 也不会觉得太清淡 还算健康 主要是 真的太香了 加入牛汤块的 汤很浓郁~ 完美! 可以试试 很简单 各种面都可以 本人只是爱吃米粉类 所以 你懂的啦 各有所爱。 但是. 这两款产品 真的很百搭 喜欢自己做饭的 小朋友 可以买来 拌面 啊 弄个清汤啥的 非常方便