The hyaluronic acid stock solution bought when ordering Small and easy to carry It feels like a bottle can last a long time! ! Mix it in creams, lotions, lotions. Excellent Anyway, I look at the mood➕ in these three More often added to the cream 😌 I feel that my skin is tender and tender, and I can pinch out the water 😂😂 Hope it's not psychological
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拼单的时候买的玻尿酸原液 小小的一个很方便携带 感觉一瓶可以用很久!! 把它混在面霜,乳液,化妆水里。棒极了 反正我是看心情➕在这三个里面的 比较经常加在面霜里😌 感觉自己皮肤嫩嫩哒,还能掐出水😂😂 希望不是心理作用吧😌