夏夏厨房🍥The mouth-watering sour soup fat beef~ The most important ingredient in the sour soup fat beef is yellow chili sauce. Yachao didn't find it, but found it on Yami✌️ As for the side dishes, I used enoki mushrooms, konjac knots, soft tofu and vermicelli (the latter three were purchased from Yami) I have unlimited repurchase of konjac knot, which is healthy and easy to taste👍 Soft tofu is one of my favorite additions to soups, it's so tender, it can even be used as bean curd This vermicelli is sweet potato vermicelli, very strong, easy to cook and not easy to boil, whether it is placed in soup or stew, it is super delicious~ Let's take a look at how the sour soup fat cow is made👇 Step1: First cook the side dishes and place them on the bottom of the bowl. Step2: Heat the pan with cold oil, add minced garlic and saute until fragrant, then pour in an appropriate amount of yellow chili sauce, stir-fry until fragrant, add a small amount of sugar and an appropriate amount of salt to taste. Step3: Pour boiling water into the pot. After the water is boiled, start adding fat beef slices (if there is no fat beef, you can also use normal beef slices instead) Step4: Stir the beef slices one by one with chopsticks, turn off the heat after the beef slices are fully cooked, and pour them all into the bowl that has been lined with side dishes Step5: Sprinkle the coriander on the bowl, and a delicious sour soup and fat beef is ready~ Because of the use of yellow chili sauce, there is a unique yellow soup of sour soup fat beef. But this one is spicy, and it's quite spicy if you add a little more. So be careful not to add too much. If you don't have a good grasp of the weight at the beginning, just add a little bit each time and try the taste~ These side dishes are especially suitable to be added when making soup, not only for making sour soup and fat beef, but also a perfect match in hot pot malatang👍 Seeing this, do you think this delicious sour soup with fat beef is very simple to make? Quickly click the tag in the picture to buy sauces and side dishes, and make a bowl of fragrant sour soup and fat beef yourself💪
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yami_featured_image 夏夏厨房🍥令人垂涎三尺的酸汤肥牛~ 酸汤肥牛里面最重要的材料就是黄辣椒酱啦,亚超都没有找到,竟然在亚米上发现了✌️ 配菜呢我这里用了金针菇、魔芋结、嫩豆腐和粉条(后三个都是购于亚米的) 魔芋结我是无限回购的,既健康又容易入味👍 嫩豆腐是我很喜欢在汤里加的一款,非常嫩,甚至可以用来当豆花 这个粉条是红薯粉条,非常劲道,易熟又不易煮烂,无论放汤里或者炖菜里都超级好吃~ 下面来看看酸汤肥牛是怎么做的吧👇 Step1: 首先将配菜煮熟,铺在碗底。 Step2: 热锅冷油,下入蒜末炒香,然后倒入适量黄辣椒酱,炒出香味后加少量糖和适量盐调味。 Step3: 锅中倒入开水,水烧开后开始加入肥牛片(如果没有肥牛也可以用正常牛肉片代替) Step4: 把牛肉片用筷子一片片搅开,很快在牛肉片全熟后关火,全部倒入已经铺好配菜的碗中 Step5: 碗上撒上香菜末,一顿美味的酸汤肥牛就做好了~ 因为用了黄辣椒酱,所以有了酸汤肥牛独特的黄色汤汁。但是这一款是香辣型的,稍微加一些就挺辣的。所以注意不要加多了哦,如果一开始把握不好分量,就每次加一点儿都试一下口感~ 这几个配菜都特别适合做汤的时候加,不仅仅是做酸汤肥牛,在火锅麻辣烫里也堪称绝配👍 看到这里是不是觉得这道美味的酸汤肥牛,做起来特别简单呢? 快快点击图片中的tag购买酱料和配菜,自己做一碗香喷喷的酸汤肥牛吧💪