
👑Japan Royal Royal Cord Blood Essence | The little secret to wake up the youthful face and keep the delicate skin

✨😝 Today is a great post for Amway and Repurchase! What I want to share with you is the Royal Japanese Royal Umbilical Cord Blood Drainage Stem Cell Rejuvenation Anti-aging Placenta Essence. This essence has always been very popular, and because more and more celebrities have recently entered the beauty industry Beauty bloggers have begun to bring goods, so this product is so popular that it is not easy to buy it! But it is conceivable that this cord blood essence is really easy to use to attract so many stars!

❥❥ So next, I will share with you my personal experience and experience in detail. understand 😝

💖First of all, let’s talk about the packaging: Japanese Royal Cord Blood Essence is all in pink packaging, from the outside box to the inside, it’s a girl’s heart slowly pink, and each box has an anti-counterfeiting code for the fairies to buy more Peace of mind! This cord blood essence contains 90 tablets (117ml in total), one tablet a day can be used for three months! Moreover, the individual packaging is very clean and hygienic. One bag is not easy to breed bacteria, and it is very easy to carry on trips without bringing formal clothes. Just grab a few packs of water and milk and it's super convenient, isn't it? But the shelf life is only 8 months, which is not too long in skin care products, so use it as soon as possible!

💖The texture of cord blood essence is a little sticky, watery essence will be much thinner than ordinary essence, not so sticky but better than Ordinary lotions are moisturizing, and the smell is a touch of rose fragrance, which is really very light. Otherwise, I don’t think I would buy it (personally I don’t like rose-flavored skin care products, but the taste of this is acceptable)
💖 Main effect: penetrate the muscle base, refuse aging, and wake up the youthful appearance

——Firming and wrinkle removal (lifting and tightening to reduce facial lines)

Improve the support of the face, full of delicate elasticity, the face is more firm, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, smooth the signs of age

——Reduce fine lines (rejuvenate skin and restore youthful vitality)

Smooth fine lines from the inside out, effectively fade away the signs of aging, and feel the surprising effect of improving skin elasticity, restoring youthful radiance

——Moisturizing and moisturizing (moisturizing and deeply improving skin quality)

Super absorption, quickly penetrate deep into the skin, improve skin relaxation, aging and dryness from the bottom layer

❥ How to use: Squeeze one bag at a time, pour it into the palm of your hand, and quickly apply to the face because it absorbs really quickly! !

❥ There are many ways to use Royal Cord Blood Essence. You can choose the method that suits you according to your personal needs and preferences

1. Use as a foundation for the skin: after cleansing, apply it to the whole face, and then continue to follow the steps of skin care products such as water and emulsion to promote the absorption of skin care products in the later stage, so that the skin care products have the best effect It's getting better and better

2. Use as an essence: After toner and before lotion, long-term use will make pores more refined, improve blemishes, and make skin glow.

3. Use before applying the mask: apply it on the face before the mask to help the essence of the later mask to absorb faster and the effect is better

4. Use after skin care products: After applying skin care products at night, the face will be oily and not very comfortable, so taking a piece at this time can not only speed up the absorption and penetration of previous skin care products, but also reduce the greasy feeling 

💖Personal experience: Generally speaking, this is a high-performance skin care product I have been using this umbilical cord blood essence in the morning as an essence and at night as a muscle base. It is really effective. The dullness on the face is reduced, and the pores are much smaller. The most important thing is that the moisturizing effect is particularly good, making the skin look better. Moisturizing and putting on makeup is not so bad! ! !

!!!!!! But this one must be used as soon as possible because the shelf life is short and it also contains alcohol. If the face is sensitive to alcohol or the skin itself is very sensitive, it is recommended to test it before using it! ! !

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👑日本Royal 皇家脐带血精华| 唤醒童颜保持娇嫩肌肤的小秘密

✨😝今天是一个安利和回购的好帖子!想给大家分享的就是的日本Royal 皇家脐带血引流干细胞嫩肤抗衰老胎盘素精华液 这款精华液其实一直都很火 并且由于最近越来越多的明星也开始入驻了美妆界 当上了美妆博主 开始了带货 所以这款产品更是红到代购都不好买了!不过也可想而知 这个脐带血精华是真的好用才会吸引那么多明星!

❥❥所以接下来我就是给大家细致的分享一下我个人的使用感想和心得吧 希望让大家能够更深入的了解😝

💖首先说一下包装:日本Royal脐带血精华整个都是粉色的包装 从外面的盒子到内里都是少女心慢慢的粉色 而且每一盒上都有防伪码 让小仙女们买的更省心!这款脐带血精华正装有90片(共117ml) 每天一片用的话都可以用整整三个月! 而且独立包装非常的干净卫生 一次一包不容易滋生细菌 还非常的容易携带 出门旅行不用带正装的水乳 随手抓几包就可以啦 是不是超级方便呢!但是保质期只有8个月在护肤品里不算太长的 所以也要尽快用!

💖脐带血精华质地是有一点点黏的水状精华 比普通的精华会薄很多 没有那么黏腻 但是又比普通的化妆水滋润很多 味道是淡淡的玫瑰清香 是真的非常的淡 不然的话我想我也不会购入(个人不喜欢玫瑰味的护肤品 但是这个的味道还可以接受)
💖 主打功效:渗透肌底 拒绝衰老 唤醒童颜

——紧致去皱(提拉紧致 减少面部纹路)

提升脸部支撑力 充满精致弹力 面部更叫紧实 减少细纹与皱纹 抚平岁月痕迹

——淡化细纹(皮肤细嫩 恢复青春活力 )

从内到外抚平细纹 有效淡化岁月痕迹 感受肌肤弹性提升的惊喜效果 再现年轻光彩

——保湿补水(补水保湿 深层改善肤质)

吸收力超强 快速渗透肌肤深层 使肌肤从底层改善松弛老化及干燥等问题

❥ 使用方法:一次一袋 挤出来倒在手掌心 然后迅速涂抹于脸部 因为吸收真的很快!!

❥ Royal脐带血精华还有很多使用方法很多种 可以根据个人需求爱好选择适合自己的方法

1. 为肌底液使用:洁面后使用 涂抹于全脸后继续水乳等后期护肤品步骤 促进后期护肤品的吸收 使护肤品效果达到最好 坚持使用会发现皮肤越来越好 吸收也越来越好

2. 作为精华使用: 用在化妆水后 乳液前 长期使用会使毛孔更加的细致 改善淡斑 肌肤仿佛发光

3. 敷面膜前使用:面膜前涂抹于脸部 帮助后期面膜的精华液吸收更快 效果更佳

4. 护肤品之后使用:晚上上完护肤品 脸会比较油 不是很舒服 那么这时候来一片 不仅可以加快之前护肤品的吸收和渗透 更能减少油腻感 

💖个人使用感受:总的来说这是一款性能很高的护肤产品 之前熬夜很严重 连续一个月都是凌晨2点后才睡 皮肤很差 毛孔粗大 还很爱长痘粉刺 后来就一直用着这款脐带血精华 早上当精华用 晚上当肌底液用 坚持是真的有效果 脸上暗沉减少了 毛孔也小了很多 而且最重要的是保湿效果特别好 让肌肤看上如更水润了 上妆没那么卡分了!!!

!!!!!!但是这款就是一定要尽快用 因为保质期短 而且还含有酒精 如果脸部对酒精敏感 或者皮肤本身就很敏感的小仙女还是建议先做测试再使用哦!!!