
【Gege's Kitchen】Sichuan Mapo Tofu with Spicy, Fragrant and Delicious Food🌶😝



▷Mapo Tofu (Mapo Tofu) is one of the traditional famous dishes in Sichuan Province belongs to Sichuan cuisine. The main raw materials are ingredients and tofu, mainly tofu minced beef (pork can also be used) Chili and Sichuan pepper, etc. Hemp comes from Sichuan pepper span> Spiciness comes from chili, this dish highlights Sichuan cuisineSpicyFeatures Its unique flavor smooth flavor

▷Nowadays, Mapo Tofu has traveled across the oceans, in the United States, Canada , the United Kingdom, France, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Australia and other countries have settled down in the country From blindly home-cooked dishes to the board The Hall of Elegance has become an international famous dish

😝So today I will teach you how to make a super delicious Sichuan Mapo Tofu I believe that people who have eaten Mapo Tofu will remember the fragrance Slippery and spicy It can really kill several bowls of rice in one breath! ! But in fact, this dish is really a home-cooked dish that every family can make. It is also very easy to make!  

Step1: We are going to prepare the ingredients : Tofu Dried Chili Pepper Minced garlic< span class="s1"> Ginger powder Doubanjiang Pepper powder Scallion (this I didn't use minced meat, because I didn't have it at home) 

Step2: Add the cut tofu to boiling water and blanch This step is to remove the beany smell of tofu If you are too lazy, you can directly boil the water in the kettle and then pour the boiling water into the tofu to achieve the same blanching effect

Step3: Pour oil into a frying pan and fry it< span class="s1"> Add minced garlic Ginger span> Prickly ash Pour in pepper Exploding the aroma After frying the aroma Add a spoonful of bean paste slow fry red oil 

Step4: Pour out the boiled tofu and stir fry (slowly Stir fry don't fry the tofu) < span class="s4">Burn about3minutes later 0 span0Add a little chicken essence and stir fry for a few times Pour in water and starch to thicken After the juice is collected, put it in the pot and sprinkle with pepper powder and chopped green onion. < span class="s4">(You can also burn a little hot oil and pour it on the pepper powder and chopped green onion More fragrant! )

✌🏻A plate of hemp Spicy Fresh Scented Slippery Tender Hot Sichuan Mapo Tofu is ready  A great appetizer < /span>Beautiful!

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▷麻婆豆腐(Mapo Tofu)是四川省传统名菜之一 属于川菜。主要原料为配料和豆腐,材料主要有豆腐 牛肉末(也可以用猪肉) 辣椒和花椒等 麻来自花椒 辣来自辣椒这道菜突出了川菜麻辣的特点 其口味独特 口感顺滑

▷如今,麻婆豆腐远渡重洋,在美国、加拿大、英国、法国、越南、新加坡、马来西亚、日本、澳大利亚等国安家落户 从一味家常小菜一跃而登上大雅之堂 成了国际名菜

😝所以今天来教大家做一道超级好吃的四川麻婆豆腐 相信吃过麻婆豆腐的人 都会记得那股香滑和麻辣 一口气真的可以干掉好几碗饭那种!!但是其实这道菜真的就是家家都会做的家常菜 也特别的容易做! 

Step1: 我们要准备食材 : 豆腐 干辣椒 花椒 蒜末 生姜末 豆瓣酱 花椒粉 葱(这次没用肉末、因为家里没) 

Step2: 将切好的豆腐加入烧开的水中焯水 这一步是为了去掉豆腐的豆腥味 懒得话也可以直接水壶烧开水然后把开水倒入豆腐里也可以达到同样的焯水效果

Step3: 炒锅倒入油炒热 加入蒜末 生姜末 花椒 辣椒倒入爆出香味 炒出香味后 加入一勺豆瓣酱 慢炒出红油 

Step4: 倒出汆好水的豆腐翻炒(慢慢翻炒 不要把豆腐炒烂了) 烧约3分钟后 加少许鸡精翻炒数下 再淋入水淀粉勾芡 收汁后起锅撒上花椒粉和葱花即可 (也可以再烧一点儿热油淋在花椒粉和葱花上 更香!)

✌🏻一盘集麻 烫的川味麻婆豆腐就做好了  味道超级赞的下饭菜 美滋滋的!