
💄Gorgeous Lipstick Post | Tom Ford16 &Tom Ford07

😝 I posted a collection of lipsticks before, but due to various things, I have not sorted out a separate color test. Today I want to share that one with you. Tom Ford's color test and personal evaluation are respectively Tom Ford16 Scarlette and Tom Ford07 Paradise! These two are very popular Especially the black tube 16 is really the one that the big netizens push bad  ; is also the most popular and most popular one! ! Of course my favorite! ❥(^_-)

1⃣️Tom Ford16 Scarlette Rouge (Black Pipe)

❤First of all, let me say that the packaging of TF's home is simple and concise. The color is black and gold, high-end and low-key, very beautiful! And it's very textured and heavy!

❤Texture: The texture is very moisturizing, the mouth is very smooth and moisturizing, and it is very easy to apply! The color saturation is very high! And a hint of chocolate!

❤Personal color test evaluation: TF16 Scarlette Rouge is really my favorite lipstick that I use the most. The color is super beautiful berry red (tomato red). The whole is a very temperamental red tone  very The complexion is very white when painted on the mouth. The feeling of red lips and white teeth really gives people a very beautiful and clean feeling! A very worthwhile one. The only downside is that it is a bit more expensive than ordinary lipsticks! In other respects, the moisturizing degree is really invincible! Strongly recommended for every little fairy must-have! Yellow skin is also very friendly!

(The color test is from the Internet)

2⃣️Tom Ford07 Paradise (white tube)

❤ The material of the white tube and the black tube are exactly the same, but the color matching has become milky white with gold. Compared with the elegant temperament of the black tube, the white tube is more cute and lively and more suitable for the small clear series My girls😝It is said that this one is also difficult to buy~

❤Texture: The texture of the white tube is also moist and smooth, but not as moist as the black tube, and the tone is lighter than the black tube~

❤Personal color test evaluation: TF07 Paradise Actually, I don't really like this one because this is just a peach powder with a coral tone, a real peach powder! Although my skin is relatively white, it still feels a little fluorescent on the mouth. I personally don't like it. It's not suitable for yellow skin. It's very ugly to apply it. It looks like King Kong Barbie~~ It's black and it's very ugly! So it's not worth spending more than 50 dollars to buy such a lipstick to be honest Yes~!

(The color test is from the Internet)

😝 Okay, today's TF color test will be posted here. I hope you all like my sharing, like my pictures, and the refill ღ( ´・ᴗ・` ) is better than your heart. I wish you all a happy and beautiful day💖

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💄格格的口红帖 | Tom Ford16 &Tom Ford07

😝之前发了口红合集但是由于各种事情一直都没有整理出来单独的试色 今天想要给大家分享那只Tom Ford的试色和个人的测评 这次分别测评的是Tom Ford16 Scarlette和Tom Ford07 Paradise!这两个都是特别火的 特别是黑管16真的各大网红推烂的一款  也是目前最最热门最最受欢迎的一款!!当然也是我最爱的!❥(^_-)

1⃣️Tom Ford16 Scarlette Rouge (黑管)

❤首先说下TF家的包装就是简单简洁的 颜色是黑配金 高档又低调 非常的好看!而且很有质感 很有重量!

❤质地:质地非常滋润 上嘴很顺滑有滋润 很好涂! 颜色饱和度很高!还有淡淡的巧克力味!

❤个人试色测评:TF16 Scarlette Rouge真的是我目前用的最多最喜欢的一支口红了 颜色是超好看的浆果红(番茄红)整体是很有气质的红调  非常的显气色 涂上嘴很显白 那种唇红齿白的感觉 真的给人很美很干净的感觉!非常值得入手的一只 唯一的缺点的话 就是比一般的口红贵一丢丢!其他方面滋润度啊显色度真的无敌!强烈推荐给每个小仙女必备啊!黄皮也很友好!


2⃣️Tom Ford07 Paradise ( 白管)

❤这个白管和黑管的材质啊样子啊是完全一样的只是配色变成了奶白色配金色 比起黑管的高雅气质 白管更多了一份可爱和活泼 更适合小清晰系列的妹子们😝据说这只也很难买~

❤质地:白管的质地也比较滋润顺滑 但是没黑管那么滋润 色调比起黑管更轻一些~

❤个人试色测评:TF07 Paradise其实我不是很喜欢这一只 因为这只是珊瑚调的蜜桃粉 真的蜜桃粉! 虽然我皮肤算比较白 但是感觉上嘴还是有点儿荧光感 个人很不喜欢 巨不适合黄皮 涂上特别难看 很像金刚芭比的感觉~~黑黢黢的 特别难看!所以说一点儿都不值得花50多刀买这么个口红 说实话我就用了一次就丢家里了 真的很无奈啊 不知道为什么被那么多网红推荐 真心的不适合亚洲女孩 上嘴很奇怪的~!


😝好啦今天的TF试色就发到这里啦 希望大家喜欢我的分享 喜欢我的图片 笔芯ღ( ´・ᴗ・` )比心 愿大家都有开心美好的一天💖