
【Gege's Kitchen】Try a wave of Sichuan Camellia to bring you a new breakfast experience😝


Sichuan Camellia oleifera is a famous snack unique to the Sichuan-Chongqing region belongs to Sichuan cuisine span>~ for breakfast and Oil tea in the north is not a thing spicy and fragrant Very delicious! Traditional rice paste requires grinding rice flour first! Ordinary rice can be and then mixed with water < span class="s2">Put it in the water and cook it into a thin and suitable rice milk! Today I will share with you the practice of this Sichuan Camellia!

First of all, the camellia oil needs to be made as a sprinkle Because there is no ready-made here in the United States you need to do it yourself This method is also very simple is to fry (fresh) noodles It's good if it's golden and golden. Put it in a pot for later use ~


Next, you need to prepare the main material for Camellia oleifera: rice flour (rice is ground into powder) Crispy soybeans mustard seeds Salt Chicken Essence soy sauce sesame oil Pepper Powder Cooked Oil Chili cilantro scallion 


Then start making camellia


Step1: Put cold water in the pot Pour the rice noodles into the water Boil on high heat< /span> Boil while stirring Agitate(because as the water temperature rises The rice paste will stick together If you don't stir it Rice cereal will be lumpy very affect the taste )

Step2: Slowly the rice paste starts to mix with the water< /span> After the water is bubbling Add ground ginger and salt~At this point, the rice paste has gradually thickened Continue to stir and cook Boil until rice cereal can It is very thick and can stick to the scraper and is not easy to fall off.

Step3: After the rice cereal is cooked Add chicken essence cooked spicy oil Seed oil Prickly ash mustard grains Crispy soybeans< /span> soy sauce last Serve with sprinkles and cilantro! (I didn't put any soybeans or coriander at home yesterday😁) span>Stir the rice paste and seasonings together A bowl is super delicious The Sichuan Camellia is just fine😝


😝Super delicious Sichuan oil tea is ready span>It's also one of the great options for breakfast! ~If you like my sharing too Like me👍Follow me💖

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【格格的厨房】尝试一波四川油茶 带给你新的早餐体验😝


四川油茶是川渝地区特有的名小吃 属于川菜系~ 当做早餐 和北方的油茶不是一个东西 麻辣香香的 非常好吃! 传统的米糊糊需要先磨米粉!普通的大米就可以 然后用水调开 放开水里煮成稀稠合适的米浆!今天我就来给大家分享这款四川油茶的做法!

首先呢油茶需要做撒子 因为美国这边没有现成的 就需要自己做 这个做法也很简单 就是把(鲜)面条炸成金黄金黄的脆脆的就好了 放盆中备用~


接着需要准备油茶的主要材料:米粉(米磨成粉) 酥黄豆 榨菜粒 鸡精 酱油 香油 花椒粉 熟油辣椒 香菜 葱花 




Step1:锅里放冷水 把米粉倒入水里 开大火熬 边熬边搅动 搅动(因为随着水温升高 米糊会黏在一起 不搅动的话 米糊会一坨一坨的 非常影响口感)

Step2:慢慢的米糊开始和水融合在一起 水开冒泡后 放入姜末 和盐~此时米糊已经渐渐的变浓稠了 再继续搅拌熬制 一直熬到 米糊可以很浓稠可以沾在刮刀上不容易掉落就熬好了

Step3:米糊熬好后 加入鸡精 熟油辣子 香油 花椒粉 榨菜粒 酥黄豆 酱油 最后撒上撒子和香菜!(昨天家里没黄豆没香菜就没放😁 再将米糊和佐料啊撒子搅拌一下 一碗超级好吃的四川油茶就好了😝


😝超级美味的好吃的四川油茶就做好了 也是早餐的绝佳选择之一!~如果你也喜欢我的分享 就给我点拨赞👍加个关注吧💖