
【Gege's Kitchen】Fragrant and tender Sichuan-style spicy boiled fish🐟🌶️

😝Boiled fish is also known as river boiled river fish. Boiled fish fillets were first popular in Cuiyun Township, Yubei District, Chongqing City 

Boiled fish is usually made from fresh grass carp, bean sprouts, chili and other ingredients. It is characterized by "oily but not greasy, spicy but not dry, numb but not bitter, and smooth and tender"

❤ First of all, you need to prepare ingredients: Longli fish fillet (fresh fish is better) Flammulina velutipes (bean sprouts) shredded ginger  garlic (slap flat) onion and egg white (one) spicy fish seasoning (or watercress)  Chinese prickly ash, dried red pepper, chili powder, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper powder cooking wine 

❤Boil a small pot of water, cook the enoki mushrooms (or bean sprouts) in a pot and put them into a large pot for later use

❤At this time, prepare to marinate the longli fish in advance. First, thin the fish fillet. Personally, I like thinner, more delicious and smoother! Then add an appropriate amount of starch, pepper, cooking wine, egg white


❤Next is the production part!

★ Step1: Heat the wok and add oil  add dried chili pepper, ginger and garlic and fry for a while, then add in spicy fish seasoning (purchased by Yami! Super delicious) and fry together

★ Step2: Fry out the red oil and add the boiled water to the pot. The amount of water should be more than that of the fish fillets. It can completely cover the fish fillets!

★ Step3: Boil the water, put the boiled enoki mushrooms in the pot, and then add the marinated fish fillets (turn on medium heat when adding, otherwise the fish fillets cooked a little earlier will be old!) Put all the fish away After the film, use a spatula to slowly turn it over and heat evenly to add flavor!

★ Step4: Cook for an appropriate time, taste it and feel that it is almost ready to serve! ! (I didn’t make it too spicy because I wasn’t very comfortable that day. If you like more authentic and spicy boiled fish, you can take another clean pot, pour in an appropriate amount of oil, turn off the heat and let it dry first, then add a lot of Chinese prickly ash and dried chili (depending on personal preference) Spicy degree) Slowly stir fry the aroma of Chinese prickly ash and chili with a small fire. Note that the fire should not be too high to avoid frying)

😝The super delicious and tender Sichuan-style spicy boiled fish is ready. Enjoy! ~If you also like my sharing, please give me a like👍Add a follow💖

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😝水煮鱼也称为江水煮江鱼 水煮鱼片 最早流行于重庆市渝北区翠云乡 

水煮鱼通常由新鲜草鱼豆芽、辣椒等食材制作而成 “油而不腻、辣而不燥、麻而不苦、肉质滑嫩”是其特色

❤首先需要准备食材:龙利鱼片(新鲜鱼更好)金针菇(豆芽)姜切丝  蒜(拍扁即可)葱适量 蛋清(一个)麻辣鱼调料(或豆瓣)  花椒 干红辣椒 辣椒粉盐 味精、胡椒粉 料酒 

❤烧开一小锅水 将金针菇(或豆芽)下锅煮熟 捞入大盆中待用

❤此时准备提前腌制龙利鱼 首先将鱼片薄片 个人喜欢薄的更入味 更爽滑!然后加适量淀粉 胡椒粉 料酒 蛋清



★ Step1: 锅烧热放油  加入干辣椒 花椒 姜 蒜 炒制一下 然后加入麻辣鱼调料(亚米购买!超好吃)一起炒

★ Step2:炒出红油 锅中加入提前烧好的开水 水量要多过鱼片 能完完全全的盖过鱼片即可!

★ Step3:水烧开 将煮好的金针菇下锅煮 再一片片加入腌制好的鱼片 (加的时候开中火 不然前面一点儿煮的鱼片会老!) 放完所有鱼片后 用锅铲慢慢翻动一下 均匀受热 更加入味!

★ Step4:煮制适当时间 尝一下感觉差不多了就可以出锅了!!(因为当天个人不是很舒服就没做太辣 如果喜欢更正宗麻辣的水煮鱼 可以另取一干净锅,倒入适量油待油热后 关火先晾一下 然后加入多多花椒及干辣椒(看个人的嗜麻辣程度) 用小火慢慢炒出花椒和辣椒的香 注重火不可太大 以免炒糊)

😝超级美味鲜香滑嫩的川味麻辣水煮鱼就做好了 尽情享用吧!~如果你也喜欢我的分享 就给我点拨赞👍加个关注吧💖