
Don't want to start fire but want to eat meat? One pot teaches you how to be a delicate pig girl|Aroma three-in-one non-stick electric grill evaluation

I am fortunate to be the lucky goose of the first phase of the welfare agency, and I will evaluate the Aroma three-in-one non-stick electric oven for everyone. I hope to help you fully review this electric oven :)

As a delicate pig girl, most of the time, the decision I face is that I don't want to bathe in the fumes in the kitchen, but I want to eat hot and fragrant meat. Every time I go to the stove, turn on the fire, heat the oil, stir-fry... This series of seemingly simple but actually very knowledgeable steps will make me a little busy, so I have a fast heating, light fumes, easy-to-clean electric oven, which solves the major problem of my three meals a day .


I traveled to Canada a week ago, and I thought that the pot arrived first, and I saw that the tracking status of ups was full green, but I couldn't unpack it. I believe many friends can understand it. When I got home in the middle of the night the day before, I couldn't wait to open the box the next morning.

Yami's packaging is still as tight as ever. The outer packaging of the electric baking pan is wrapped with plastic film, and there are many shock-absorbing inflatable bags. This pot can be safely brought to my house. Thanks to the staff who packaged ( Bow!

I was a little surprised after unpacking, I imagined that this pot should be easy to use, but I didn't expect that its composition is so simple and clear, a total of four components - power cord, outer pot body, non-stick inner pot Gallbladder, pot lid. It's so simple and straightforward, I like it very much. I feel like I can use it without reading the manual (just kidding, I suggest you read the instructions carefully every time you buy a new electrical appliance).

At first impression, I liked two things about this pot the most. The first point is its non-stick inner pot, and by looking at the stripes on the bottom of the pan, you can imagine what it looks like to fry a steak with perfect stripes. The second point is its temperature control knob, automatic temperature control, four-speed temperature adjustment, you can easily choose the temperature you want, don't worry about burning the pot!

The reason why it is called a three-in-one electric grill, as the name suggests, this pot has at least three purposes: grilling, steaming, and slow cooking. The time is limited. This time, we mainly developed two functions of grilling and slow cooking. We will explore other uses in the future.

Next, welcome everyone to watch the simple, fast, time-saving and labor-saving recipes of Pig Girl.

// Hot Pot

Hot pot is probably the most friendly invention for lazy people. The so-called hot pot rinses everything, choose the right ingredients and the friends who eat hot pot together, all the ingredients can become delicious. After I got the Aroma three-in-one electric grill this time, my first reaction was to hold the pot and go to my good friend's house to have a hot pot with five or six people.

Raw materials required:

1. Hot pot base (this time we chose Little Sheep's pickled pepper and sour soup base, which is hot and sour, moderately salty, recommended!)

2. All food you can eat (advertisement space here for rent haha)

3. Dip (we northerners eat hot pot, prefer sesame sauce)

Super simple cooking steps:

Add the hot pot base and hot water to the pot, turn on the fire, boil and enjoy!

Hot Pot Experience:
As a pot-starter, this hot pot meal did not disappoint me at all. Before opening the pot, I was worried that the pot would be a little shallow and small. I would need to add water frequently when it boiled. However, during the two-hour hot pot conversation, we only added water twice, which was enough for six people. The heat is in full swing, and there is no such thing as an empty pot when everyone picks up a chopstick, which is very gratifying. The second thing I like is the heat preservation function of this pot. Girls always take a few breaths to eat hot pot together. At this time, turn the temperature control to keep warm, the pot will not be cold, and it will not be boiling all the time, just right. In the end, the pot was very quiet when it was heating, and the only thing that could be heard was the gurgling sound of the hot pot boiling during the whole process. Overall, the Shabu Shabu experience was perfect. Looking forward to using it to make Korean army pot and Japanese sukiyaki later, I can't swallow just thinking about it.

// Seared Beef Ribs

Because it is a carnivore, cowboy bones are also a dish that often appears on my dining table. Depending on everyone's hobbies, I think it's delicious to make black pepper cowboy bones or pan-fried cowboy bones. This time I made the pan-fried version :)

Raw materials required:

1. Cowboy bone (this time I bought the cowboy bone at costco, very fresh and good quality, and also recommend hmart's cowboy bone)

2. Huadiao cooking wine, Kim Lan soy sauce, Lee Kum Kee Korean BBQ sauce

Super simple cooking steps:

1. Cut the beef bones into small pieces along each bone. According to the amount of beef bones, add an appropriate amount of Korean barbecue sauce, cooking wine, and light soy sauce (ratio 3:1:1), mix well, let each piece of meat Spread the seasoning evenly. Put the beef bones in a crisper, cover, and put in the refrigerator to let the beef bones and seasonings stand alone for more than 8 hours.

2. Assemble the electric grill, plug it in, turn the temperature control knob to 400 degrees, and put in the beef bones. Note that there is no need to put oil in this step, because the beef ribs themselves have a lot of oil, and our Korean BBQ sauce also has oil.

3. After frying the beef ribs for about a minute, you can turn them over. At this time, one side of the cowboy bone had penetrated the grease, and the whole kitchen was filled with a strong meat aroma, and the saliva was about to flow out when it was fried. After turning over, fry for about a minute, cover with the lid, simmer for about two minutes, then open the lid and turn the beef ribs over.

4. The last step is to turn off the heat and cook!

Barbecue Experience:

There are three things that amaze me the most about this electric grill: First, the heating speed is really fast. From the moment I plug in the power, turn on the heating knob, and put in the beef bones, it takes only a few seconds for the meat to heat up. When I put it in, I could already hear the heating sound of "Zizi", which was far beyond my expectation. That's not much better than being in the oven for nearly half an hour; second, the fumes were not as big as I thought. Before the barbecue, I was worried about whether the oil would splatter all over the place, and I was ready to take care of the smoke alarm at any time, but the table was clean and the smoke alarm was quiet. Therefore, everyone can safely roast meat at home; third, because of the non-stick surface of the back of the pan, during the roasting process, the oil will flow to the bottom of the pan, and it will not feel greasy when eating. Overall, the BBQ function is perfect! It is already conceivable to call friends to come to the house to eat barbecue and drink beer in the future.

//Red bean rice cake

A delicate pig girl, of course, be kind to herself. I happened to have the leftover rice cakes from the hot pot at home, so I decided to try this dessert/breakfast/sweet soup developed by me - red bean rice cake soup.

Ingredients required (as the name suggests):

1. Red beans

2. Lotus seeds

3. Rice Cake

Super simple cooking steps:

1. Soak red beans and lotus seeds in water for at least 4 hours (so that they will be easier to ripen)

2. Wash the red dates and rinse the rice cakes with cold water

3. Put the red beans and lotus seeds in a pot and add water, bring to a boil, turn the temperature control to the lowest heat, cover and simmer for an hour and a half, remember to stir occasionally. Finally, add rice cakes, red dates and appropriate amount of white sugar, and cook on high heat until the rice cakes are soft and glutinous.

A bowl of sweet and warm red bean rice cake soup is out of the pot. Simple to have no friends.

Sweet Soup Experience:

Generally speaking, it is quite satisfactory. The slow cooker function is no different from the slow cooker. One thing is for sure, I used this pot to fry the beef ribs before making this red bean rice cake soup, and after washing it, there was no meaty smell at all, and I still liked that.

After sharing three super easy-to-use meat-based recipes, everyone must be curious. After eating a lot of meat, it should be difficult to clean this pot. I am very responsible to tell you: it is really super easy to clean, and it is not troublesome at all. Because the inner pot and the outer pot body of this pot can be disassembled, when cleaning, just remove the inner pot, wipe it gently with dishwashing liquid and a sponge, and then rinse it clean. Lazy people like me can also put the liner directly into the dishwasher. Yes you read that right, you can go straight! catch! put! wash! Bowl! machine! There are not many pots that can be directly put in the dishwasher, everyone do it and cherish.

Finally, I will draw the key points for everyone.


1. It heats up quickly, and because the temperature can be selected with the temperature control switch, it can ensure a constant temperature during the cooking process.

2. Although the temperature of the pot is very high during the cooking process, it is not easy to burn because the outer casing is plastic. If you want to move the pot, just lift the outer casing. It is also worth mentioning that the cooling speed of the inner pot is also very fast. After eating the hot pot, turn off the heat for five minutes and you can hold the pot to clean it.

3. There is no noise during cooking, quiet and fast.

4. Complete functions, all kinds of frying, roasting and stewing, I have a pot in hand. And the volume is relatively small, easy to store.

5. The fumes are not large, so it is easy to clean up. This may be something that everyone cares about a lot, after all, pig girls are reluctant to clean up greasy pots.


1. The power cord is a bit short, especially when eating hot pot, you need an external power outlet

2. I can't think of it...

Overall, this 3-in-1 electric grill has 99 points in my heart, and I deduct one point for fear of its pride. The current situation is that it is cheap, and Yami has sold out. When the next replenishment, do you know what to do?

Thank you for watching, I hope every girl can live more and more exquisite.

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前一周去加拿大旅行,人为回家锅先到,眼睁睁地看着ups的tracking status绿色满格却无法拆箱的心情相信很多小伙伴都能体会。前一天半夜回到家,第二天一早我就迫不及待地开了箱。






// 火锅



1. 火锅底料(这次我们选择的是小肥羊的泡椒酸汤底料,酸酸辣辣,咸度适中,推荐!)

2. 一切可以吃的食物(此处广告位招租哈哈)

3. 蘸料(咱们北方人吃火锅,首选芝麻酱)




// 香煎牛仔骨



1. 牛仔骨 (这次的牛仔骨是在costco买的,非常新鲜肉质很好,同时也推荐hmart的牛仔骨)

2. 花雕料酒、金兰生抽、李锦记韩国烧烤酱 (很想跟大家安利一下这个酱,属于口味偏甜的烤肉酱,搭配任何肉类都很香)


1. 把牛仔骨沿着每块骨头切成小块,根据牛仔骨的量,加入适量韩国烧烤酱、料酒、和生抽 (比例大致为3:1:1),拌匀,让每一块肉都均匀沾上调料。将牛仔骨放入保鲜盒中,盖上盖子,放入冰箱,让牛仔骨和调料单独相处8个小时以上。

2. 组装好电烤锅,插好电源,将温度控制旋钮旋到400度,放入牛仔骨。注意这一步不需要放油哦,因为牛仔骨本身有很多油脂,我们的韩国烧烤酱中也有油。

3. 牛仔骨煎制一分钟左右之后,就可以翻面啦。这时候一面牛仔骨已经渗透出油脂,整个厨房都弥漫着浓郁的肉香味,煎着煎着口水都要流出来了。翻面之后,煎制大概一分钟之后,可以盖上盖子,焖两分钟左右,之后再打开盖子给牛仔骨翻个身。

4. 最后一步,关火,出锅!



// 红豆年糕



1. 红豆

2. 莲子

3. 年糕


1. 红豆和莲子在水中浸泡至少4个小时(这样之后才会比较容易熟)

2. 红枣清洗干净,年糕用冷水冲一下

3. 先将红豆和莲子放入锅中加入清水,开火煮沸后将温控旋至最小火,加盖慢炖一个半小时,期间记得时不时搅拌。最后加入年糕、红枣和适量白砂糖,大火煮至年糕软糯即可。







1. 加热很快,而且因为可以用温控开关选择温度,所以可以保证烹饪过程中温度恒定。

2. 虽然锅在烹饪过程中温度很高,但并不容易出现烫伤的情况,因为外壳是塑料的,如果想要移动锅,捧起外壳就好啦。另外值得一提的就是,内胆的冷却速度也很快,吃完火锅关火五分钟之后就能抱着锅去清洗啦。

3. 烹饪过程中没有任何噪音,安静快捷。

4. 功能齐全,煎炸烤炖样样俱全,一锅在手天下我有。并且体积比较小,方便收纳。

5. 油烟不大,方便清理。这也许是大家很在意的一点了,毕竟猪猪女孩们都不愿意清理油腻腻的锅。


1. 电源线有点短,尤其是吃火锅的时候,需要外接插排哦

2. 居然想不出来了……

