The fried chicken fillet I ate when I was a child realized the 🍺+🍗 longing for life Ingredients: chicken breast, bread flour, cooking wine, salt, pepper, cumin powder, garlic powder, soy sauce, oil, starch, egg white step: 1. Cut the chicken breast into strips, add a spoonful of cooking wine, an appropriate amount of salt, pepper, garlic powder, soy sauce, a little oil, mix well, then add starch and mix well. 2. Stir the egg whites, coat the chicken breast strips with egg whites, roll a layer of bread flour, and fry in oil until golden brown. 3. Sprinkle some pepper and cumin powder and serve 🎉
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小时候吃的炸鸡柳实现了🍺+🍗的向往生活 食材:鸡胸肉,面包粉,料酒,盐,胡椒粉,孜然粉,大蒜粉,生抽,油,淀粉,鸡蛋清 步骤: 1. 鸡胸肉切条,加入一勺料酒,适量盐、胡椒粉、大蒜粉、生抽、一点点油,拌匀后加入淀粉拌匀。 2. 蛋清搅匀,鸡胸肉条裹蛋清后滚一层面包粉,放入油锅炸至金黄。 3. 撒点胡椒粉和孜然粉即可食用🎉