
Raising fat late at night ~ the advancement of mochi.

The first recipe comes from a product page review.

Do not like too sweet Just added5gsugar, just fine for me.

Although the surface is still hard when sprayed with water, I personally like the hard taste Love to chew. But for children 😂mainly because of a missing tooth It's a bit hard to bite into.

Took two balls and wrapped chocolate,😭chocolate is too big span> Breakout

Look down to the advanced version for a special chocolate for baking.

I went out in a hurry in the morning and took a white chocolate bag with my son One person devoured half of it on the way.

Now is the advanced version for tonight.

Matcha Red Bean Mochi and Coffee Chocolate Mochi.

First purchase of mochi flour I only bought one pack. remorse! ! ! Always out of stockThere are two packs in one box, and only one pack can be divided into two portions.

Use a weighing scale to divide the ready-mix flour into portions< span class="s1">125g.

Mix one egg well and divide into two portions.

30gbutter+90gThe milk is melted in water and divided into two portions. (Because there is powder, so add the amount of milk)

Matcha powder used10g ,10gSugar (considering that matcha is a bit bitter Added it myself some sugar. Taste is personal. According to preference)

Preheat oven350degrees Start making the dough.

The dough is grain-free and non-sticky later. Seriously use each30g. I took half of the bean paste, and two chocolate beans, leaving two original flavors.

Greedy. I want to try every flavor.

Mixing the dough is done by children. Ask me why it's getting softer when I stir the coffee flavor? Very sticky. It's all the same recipe I don't know why.

There is no more flour, and then slowly add low-gluten flour in batches, worried that the taste will fade, 10g< On the basis of the coffee powder of span class="s3">, some coffee powder is added. Ground coffee is sweet, and this recipe has no added sugar.

Do not add until it is not sticky, and the dough is still moist and soft. Softer than original and matcha. But not sticky and not sticky.

Coffee weighed40g because I was lazy. There's no more confidence. feeling like a failure.

350degrees 30 minute.

It is said that each oven has a bad temper, and the original taste is a little too hard. This time, 5mins. Sprinkle some water on the surface. I don't have a watering can I just dipped my hands in water. Send to the oven.

Open the oven to check.

I didn't expect the coffee to come out I was a little happy.

😱Like dinosaur eggs This is too beautiful. Can't believe I did this.

Red bean paste is delicious.

Crispy on the outside and tender on the insideQbounce Brushing is also good. 👏Applaud yourself.

Click on the crispy skin.

The chocolate inside is half melted and half granulated.

Focus Coffee is here.

It's not so hollow after adding low-powder fill it half way. But the skin is also crispy the inside is alsoQBounce. The biggest difference is the overall taste resilient The bite is not that hard.

Different tastes are equally delicious 👏👏👏 I thought the coffee flavor would fail miserably. It turned out to be a success.

Intense grass.

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深夜养膘 ~ 麻薯的进阶。


不喜欢太甜 只加了5g糖,对我来说刚好。

虽然表面喷了水还是硬些,个人很喜欢硬硬的口感 爱嚼。但是对小朋友 😂主要是换牙缺了一颗 咬起来就有点辛苦了。

拿了两个团包了巧克力,😭巧克力太大 爆了


早上着急出门直接拿了颗包了白巧克力的 跟儿子在路上一人一半啃掉了。

现在 就是今天晚上的进阶版。

抹茶红豆麻薯 咖啡巧克力麻薯。

麻薯粉第一次买 只买了一包。悔恨!!!一直没货没货一盒里面是两包,只能一包分成两份用了。

用称把预拌粉 分成各一份125g



抹茶粉用了10g 10g糖(考虑到抹茶有点苦 自己加了些糖。口味比较个人 按喜好增减)

预热烤箱350 开始整面团。

面团无颗粒不粘手以后。很认真的用称 每个30g。拿了一半包豆沙,巧克力豆也包了两个,原味剩两个。


搅拌面团都是由小朋友操作的。在搅咖啡味的时候问我为什么越来越软了?非常粘。都是一样的配方啊 我也不知道为什么。



咖啡味称了40g,因为懒。还有没什么信心了 感觉要失败了。

350 30分钟。

据说每个烤箱脾气不通,原味时候有些过硬。这次减了5分钟。表面洒些水。我没有喷壶 直接用手沾水抖。送入烤箱。


没想到咖啡的竟然发起来了 有点小开心。

😱跟恐龙蛋一样 这也太好看了吧。简直不敢相信这是我做的。

红豆沙的 好吃。

外脆内嫩又Q 拉丝也不错。👏给自己鼓掌。



重点 咖啡来了。

加了低粉以后没有那么空心 填了一半这样。但是表皮也是酥脆 内里也是Q弹。最大的区别就在整体的口感 有韧性 咬起来却没有那么硬。

不一样的口感一样的好吃 👏👏👏 还以为咖啡味的会失败很惨呢。结果竟然也成功了。
