1. I love the crab roe-flavored melon seeds and broad beans. I can't get enough of it. 2. The snail powder tastes good, but it seems to be a little weaker than other brands. 3. Hsu Fu Chi's thick-cut pineapple cake is also excellent. The milk is full of flavor and the humidity is just right. One bite is soft, pineapple fragrance, sweetness is just right, not too sticky, unlimited repurchase!!!!!!😋😋😋 4. The mung bean cake seems to be an unpopular one, but I love it very much. I bought 4 or 5 boxes in the local supermarket. Because I was too lazy to drive, I switched to online shopping. It is also the soft taste I love, and it is not dry. The milk flavor and the mung bean flavor are just right! Repurchase Repurchase Repurchase 😋😋😋 5. Top 10 curry-flavored instant noodles, super delicious, I have repurchased five packs 😆😆😆 6. The wolfberry jelly is delicious, and the wolfberry flavor is full. I really like plastic boxes for jelly. It's No. 5 plastic. It's the right size. It can hold fruit and can also be used for storage. 7. The egg yolk cake tastes good and is crispy, but I like something with a little more texture, so I won't repurchase it again. Most of the snacks are in small packages, which is really a must for going out! Guys, you must try it 😁😁😁
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yami_featured_image 1. 超爱超爱蟹黄味的瓜子和蚕豆,真是百吃不厌。 2. 螺蛳粉味道可以,但好像和别的牌子比味道淡了一点。 3. 徐福记厚切凤梨酥也是超赞的。奶香味十足,湿度刚好。一口咬下去软软的,凤梨香味,甜度也刚刚好,还不太粘牙,无限回购!!!!!!😋😋😋 4. 绿豆糕好像是个冷门,但我超爱的,在当地超市买过4,5盒,因为懒得开车,所以改成网购了。也是我爱的软软口感,也不干。奶香味和绿豆味搭配的刚刚好!回购回购回购😋😋😋 5. 十大咖喱味的泡面,超好吃的,我有回购了五包装的😆😆😆 6. 枸杞果冻很好吃,枸杞味很足。我很喜欢放果冻的塑料盒,是5号塑料,大小合适,可以放放水果,也可以做收纳。 7. 蛋黄饼味道很好,酥酥的但我喜欢更是一点口感的东西,所以不会回购了。 大部分零食都是小包装,真是出门必备!小伙伴们一定要试试啊😁😁😁