
Summer Dessert - Osmanthus Coconut Milk Layer Cake

Summer is coming, who doesn't like to eat ice-cold foodqFresh and refreshing The layer cake! The face value is really high, it looks like it can make people appetite, and its steps are very simple Even if it is a small kitchen White can do it too.

The simplicity of this dessert is We just need to prepare Osmanthus layerandCoconut milk layer , no oven required no need to beat eggs No kitchen experience and skills required only Materials are ready, 100% success

Most of the online tutorials use sugar osmanthus as the main material for the separation layer of osmanthus. Sugar osmanthus is the honey of osmanthus, which is very convenient to make at home. One layer of osmanthus and a layer of honey are added like this. , and store in an airtight container for a week Let the osmanthus and honey blend together.

But I am impatient, so I made this dessert directly with dried osmanthus, the sweetness is just right,qIt's delicious

okSo much nonsense Start the tutorial below

Osmanthus layer

Gelatin Powder:25g

Yellow rock sugar:125g

Hot water:650g

Dried osmanthus: appropriate amount

The yellow rock sugar is mainly used to enhance the color. If you don't have it at home, you can also use white sugar instead, but it's not so yellow in the end.

Dried sweet-scented osmanthus I think it’s up to you, it’s okay to put too much span> I probably put and Gelatin Powder+Yellow Rock Sugar Blend ratio 1:1

Coconut Milk Layer

Gelatin Powder:20g

caster sugar:95g

Hot water:190g


Whipping cream:85g

Coconut Milk:135g

The material is really simple, you can buy it in the store, and if you don't use it up at one time, you can put it in the refrigerator Use it next time you make dessert

Begin steps below

Let's make the osmanthus layer first

1⃣️Crack the yellow rock sugar and mix it with the gelatin powder.

[Breaking is to better blend the sugar into the hot water]

2⃣️Add sugar osmanthus 

3⃣️Add hot water Stir and stir, then cover with plastic wrap, and bake the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus

Following the coconut milk layer

1⃣️Concrete sugar and gelatin powder mixed together

2⃣️Add hot water Stir well

3⃣️Add milk Light Cream with coconut milk Mix well

I used a 21cm x 21cm square mold< /p>

If you want to make a nine-layer compartment like me, and don't know if your own mold is suitable, you can try it135gWater goes in, if the thickness of the water is less than 0.4cm more than< /span>0.2cm words Then this mold is the right size

If the thickness of the water is too large, and you only have such a mold at home, you can adjust the proportion of the above formula, so as not to be wasted because the mold cannot fit

6 inchsquare die is just right

Call the cold osmanthus water call it135gPour into molds and refrigerate20-30minutes until the osmanthus layer solidifies

Take out the solidified osmanthus layer Pour in again 135g of coconut milk enters the mold and refrigerates until the coconut milk layer solidifies

Just keep repeating, be patient. Otherwise like my cover image, the last two layers are mixed together

Coconut milk and sweet-scented osmanthus water may solidify a little at room temperature, but they will become liquid again when heated

After the whole sweet-scented osmanthus cake is solidified, take it out and refrigerate, and use a knife to draw a circle around the mold Flip it upside down Blow the bottom of the mold with a hot hair dryer, so that the sweet-scented osmanthus cake is released from the mold< /p>

Cut it into the shape you want, and take a photo with the beautifully arranged plate. Although it looks really powerful, it is actually easy to operate.

One last word: Yami's sweet-scented osmanthus is really fragrant!

This is the end of today's article. If you have any questions or don't understand something Welcome to leave a message in the comment area~Thank you all

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夏天快到了,谁会不喜欢吃冰冰凉凉q弹清爽的千层糕呢!颜值真的高,看起来就能让人胃口大开,并且它的步骤异常简单 就算是厨房小白也完全可以搞定。

这个甜点的简单之处在于 我们只需要准备桂花层椰奶层不需要烤箱 不需要打蛋 不需要任何厨房经验与技巧 只要材料准备好了,百分之百能成功

网上大部分教程都是用糖桂花作为桂花分隔层的主材料,糖桂花就是桂花蜜,自己家做也蛮方便,一层桂花一层蜂蜜这样加上去,再密封储存一个星期 让桂花和蜂蜜相融在一起。


ok废话说了这么多 下面开始教程







干桂花的话 我觉得看你自己,放多也没关系 我大概放和 吉利丁粉+黄冰糖 混合一起的比例 1:1








材料真的很简单,商店都能买齐,而且一次用不完的话可以放在冰箱里 下次做甜点的时候接着用






3⃣️加入热水 搅拌搅拌,然后盖上保鲜膜,焗出桂花的香味



2⃣️加入热水 搅拌均匀

3⃣️再加入牛奶 淡奶油 与椰浆 拌匀

我用的是21cm x 21cm 的正方形模具

如果你想和我一样做九层隔层,并且不知道自己家模具适不适合的时候,可以试试倒135g水进去,如果水的厚度小于0.4cm 大于0.2cm 的话 那这个模具大小合适


6 inch的方形模具是正好合适的

把凉了的桂花水 135g倒入模具中,放冰箱冷藏20-30分钟 至桂花层凝固

把凝固后的桂花层拿出来 再倒入135g的椰奶进入模具,冷藏至椰奶层凝固



待整个桂花糕都凝固之后,拿出冷藏,用小刀在模具四周划一圈 倒扣过来 用热吹风机吹模具底部,这样桂花糕就脱模啦



今天的文章就到此为止啦,如果有什么疑问或者不懂的地方 欢迎在评论区留言~谢谢大家啦