It is a quick and easy meal, the steps are very simple: ①Cut the toast into equal pieces ②The butter is melted in microwave (or heated in water) ③Cut onion, minced garlic and add to melted butter ④Add a small amount of salt ⑤ Spread evenly on the toast bar (If you like black pepper, you can add a little black pepper) ⑥Put it in the preheated oven I baked it at 400 degrees for 5-8 minutes. Determine the time according to the temper of your own oven and the firmness of your toast Super simple and delicious, try it 😋
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yami_featured_image 是一道快手简易餐,步骤很简单: ①把吐司切成等量条状 ②牛油微波(或隔水加热)融化 ③切好葱、蒜沫加入融化的牛油中 ④加入少量盐 ⑤均匀涂抹在吐司条上 (喜欢黑胡椒的可再撒入少许黑胡椒) ⑥放入已预热的烤箱中 我用400度烤了5~8分钟. 根据自家烤箱脾气及喜欢吐司软硬度自行决定时间 超级简单的美味,试试看吧😋