【Must-have list for movies】Various food pairings Air-conditioned room, small beer, play drama, eat hot pot! ! Delicious! In summer, my biggest hobby is eating hot pot with beer and various dramas! ! Tianhou hot pot base is really spicy! ! ! Don't miss it if you can eat spicy food! ! Chongqing Butter Hot Pot with Garlic Sesame Oil Dish! ! Don't be too good 👍! ! Authentic Chongqing flavor! Picture 4 is really delicious! ! ! Stock up several packs at a time, hahaha, it's crunchy, with a little seasoning, and a light cheese fragrance! ! Excellent! ! Sun millet rice crockpot loves the spicy flavor. The memories of my childhood are so beautiful! !
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【撸片必备清单】各种美食搭配 空调房,小啤酒,撸着剧,吃火锅!!美滋滋啦!夏天我的的最大爱好就是吃火锅配啤酒各种追剧了!!天后火锅底料泡椒味的真的巨辣!!!能吃辣的千万不要错过哦!!重庆牛油火锅搭配蒜泥香油碟!!不要太赞👍!!地道重庆味呢! 图四真的很好吃!!!一次囤好几包,哈哈哈脆脆的,带一点调味,还有淡淡的芝士清香!!棒极了!!太阳小米锅巴最爱麻辣味,小时候的回忆,太美好了!!