【Avène Moisturizing Mist】 Every time I go back to China, I will stock up two bottles of moisturizing spray to bring back to the village. Everyone must be familiar with it. I have been using it all the time, especially in places like the United States, where I stay in an air-conditioned room all day long. It is really comfortable to spray on my face. As a senior and old customer of Yami's, of course I hope Yami can also sell moisturizing spray~
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【雅漾保湿喷雾】 每次回国都会囤两瓶的保湿喷雾带回村 大家一定不陌生 一直在用 特别是在美国这种地方 一天到晚呆在空调房 没事喷一喷脸真的很舒服|ω·`) 作为亚米资深老客户 当然希望亚米也能有保湿喷雾卖啦~